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Olá, pessoal,

Em Janeiro desse ano, publicamos o blog post “HCM Brasil eSocial: mudanças no cálculo do INSS e alerta para solução da BRISS”. Neste post, falamos sobre as alterações no cálculo do INSS e sobre as primeiras notas dessa solução. No post de hoje vamos relembrar alguns pontos importantes para a instalação das notas, e a conclusão da entrega da solução.


Instalação das notas do novo cálculo do INSS


Para a instalação correta das notas do INSS, os pontos abaixo devem ser observados:

  1. A solução da BRISS entregue pela nota “2377336 - BRISS - Source code enhancement” (de 2016) deve estar ativa no sistema.The new version of the BRISS source code is activate with the value '1,00' in the constant BRISS of the V_T511K table view. This note delivers the constant with value equals to '1,00' which means that the new version of the BRISS is activated.

  2. O Sistema deve estar atualizado com, no mínimo, o support package liberado a partir de 9 de novembro de 2017.Mais informações nos posts:HCM Brasil eSocial: [RETIFICAÇÃO] pré-requisitos de Support Package para implementação de SAP NotesHCM Brazil eSocial: new Support Package prerequisites as of November + roadmap information moved to ...

  3. As notas devem ser aplicadas respeitando a ordem descrita na nota de overview “2878329 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Overview”


SAP Notes


Para a entrega das mudanças no cálculo de contribuição do INSS, adotamos a mesma estratégia utilizada no eSocial. Criamos uma nota de overview e a solução foi entregue em etapas.

Hoje, com a publicação da nota “2885343 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Changes in payroll functions”, concluímos a entrega da solução do novo INSS.

Nota de overview:

2878329 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Overview

Lista de notas do novo cálculo de INSS:

  1. 2878939 - Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 2877539

  2. 2877539 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Alert regarding old BRISS solution

  3. 2884865 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Object for SAP Note 2883429 (Only for 608 release)

  4. 2883429 - Prerequesite objects for SAP Note 2879518

  5. 2879518 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Technical preparation

  6. 2884757 - Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 2882265

  7. 2882265 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Progressive and single range methods

  8. 2888223 - Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 2885343

  9. 2885343 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Changes in payroll functions



  • A data publicada pelo governo para a vigência do novo cálculo de INSS é 1º de Março de 2020.

  • Observe os pré-requisitos e a ordem de implementação das notas

  • Teste todos os cenários antes de mover as alterações para ambiente produtivo.


Gostou desse post? Dê um Like e compartilhe o conteúdo com seus colegas.


Fiquem à vontade para deixar um feedback, comentário ou pergunta no espaço abaixo. E não esqueçam de seguir a tag HCM Payroll Brazil na SAP Community para ficarem ligados nas últimas notícias sobre o eSocial.


Um abraço,

Aline Silveira


Hi everyone,


In January this year, we published the blog post “HCM Brasil eSocial: mudanças no cálculo do INSS e alerta para solução da BRISS”. In this post, we talk about the changes in the calculation of the SIB (INSS) and the first notes for this solution. In today’s post, let’s discuss some important points of the note’s installation and the conclusion of the solution delivery.


Installation of New SIB (INSS) calculation notes


For the correct installation of the SIB notes, the following points must be observed:

  1. BRISS solution delivered by note “2377336 - BRISS - Source code enhancement” (2016) must be active in the system.The new version of the BRISS source code is activate with the value '1.00' in the constant BRISS of the V_T511K table view. This note delivers the constant with value equals to '1.00' which means the new version of the BRISS is activated.

  2. The System must be updated to at least the support package released as of November 9, 2017.
    More information on the posts:HCM Brasil eSocial: [RETIFICAÇÃO] pré-requisitos de Support Package para implementação de SAP NotesHCM Brazil eSocial: new Support Package prerequisites as of November + roadmap information moved to ...

  3. The notes must be applied respecting the order described in the overview note “2878329 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Overview”


SAP Notes


In order to deliver the changes to the SIB contribution calculation, we adopted the same strategy used for the eSocial delivery. We have created an overview note and the solution has been delivered in pieces.

Today, with the release of note “2885343 - New Social Security Calculation (SIB) - Changes in payroll functions”, we conclude the delivery of the solution of the new SIB calculation.

Overview note:

2878329 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) – Overview

List of notes for the new SIB calculation:

  1. 2878939 - Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 2877539

  2. 2877539 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Alert regarding old BRISS solution

  3. 2884865 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Object for SAP Note 2883429 (Only for 608 release)

  4. 2883429 - Prerequesite objects for SAP Note 2879518

  5. 2879518 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Technical preparation

  6. 2884757 - Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 2882265

  7. 2882265 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Progressive and single range methods

  8. 2888223 - Prerequisite objects for SAP Note 288534

  9. 2885343 - New Social Security Calculation (INSS) - Changes in payroll functions




  • As published by the government,  the new SIB (INSS) calculation comes into effect in March 1st 2020.

  • Be aware of the pre-requisites and the implementation sequence of the notes

  • Test all scenarios before moving changes to a productive environment.


Did you like this post? Give us a like and share the content with your colleagues.


Please feel comfortable to leave feedback, comment, or question in the space below. And do not forget the HCM Payroll Brazil tag in SAP Community to be linked to the latest news on the eSocial.



All the best,

Aline Silveira