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Summary: In this post I will teach you how to download the recent created events using SAP Integration Suite and SAP Ariba APIs, in this case we will use the Operational Reporting for Sourcing API, because we can define the select and filter fields, and we can use pagination.

You can review more about SAP Integration Suite in the documentation of the product here and you can review this post from gayathri.narayana to have an overview of SAP Ariba Integration: SAP Ariba Integration Approach.

If you are new using Ariba APIs or Ariba Developer Portal, please review this post from ajmaradiaga: SAP Ariba developer portal – How to create applications and consume the SAP Ariba APIs.

Before to start we will need the following information:

  • API Credentials for Operational Reporting for Sourcing

  • Ariba Sourcing realm information

  • SAP Integration Suite account

  • BTP Hana Cloud database


Architecture Design

BTP - Architecture Design

Setup - Ariba APIs

Create my own view to get last created events in the last day

I will use the View Management endpoint of Operational Reporting for Sourcing to create the new view. We can use the GET /metadata endpoint, to explore the available documents, filters and fields:

Only realm and product are mandatory, if you don't include document type it will get all available document types

Result from postman for Metadata endpoint

We have to use the endpoint POST /viewTemplates/{viewTemplateName} to create our view:

"documentType" : "RFXDocument",
"status" : "published",
"selectAttributes" : [
"filterExpressions": [
"name" : "createdDateFrom",
"field": "TimeCreated",
"op": ">="
"name" : "createdDateTo",
"field": "TimeCreated",
"op": "<="
"name": "eventTypeInList",
"field": "EventType",
"op": "IN"
"name": "nextVersionIsNull",
"field": "NextVersion",
"op": "IS NULL",
"defaultValue": true

Some notes about the filters:

  • For date filters we need both from and to limit

  • We can use IN for lists

  • We can use default value for filters

If all is ok we should have a result like this:

Create a new view using Operational Reporting

Setup - SAP Integration Suite

Create Authentication credentials

From SAP Integration Suite home page, navigate to Monitor -> Integrations:

SAP Integration Suite - Monitor - Integrations

Open the tile Security Material:

SAP Integration Suite - Security Material

Let's create a new OAuth2 Client Credentials, we will need 1 for test realm and 1 for production realm:

Create OAuth2 Client Credentials

Now we will use OAuth credentials generated from developer.ariba.com, we need the OAuth Client Id and the OAuth Secret:

Create a new OAuth2 Client Credentials

Create Database credentials

From Monitor -> Integrations, open the tile JDBC Material:

SAP Integration Suite - JDBC Material

Now we will use our BTP Hana Cloud database, we need the host URL, user and password:

Add JDBC Data Source

SAP Integration Suite - Create a new Integration Flow

From SAP Integration Home navigate to Design -> Integrations:

SAP Integration Suite - Design - Integration

Create a new package integration:

Create a new package integration

Move to Artifacts tab and create a new Integration flow:

Create Integration Flow

Add Name and Description, and click Ok:

Integration Flow creation

Before to start with iFlow creation, let's review the design of Integration Flow:

Integration Flow - Design

We will have 3 Integration process:

  • We will need a main integration process to start the flow.

  • We will need 1 integration process to call the Operational Reporting API for each page in result

  • We will need 1 integration process to insert the event in database for each result in page

Let's open the integration flow, change to Edit mode and remove the sender and receiver:

Remove Sender and Receiver

This will be the content for the main integration process:

Main integration process

We will remove the classic Start and we will add a Timer, this allows to schedule the time of the execution or run once by default.

We will use the Content Modifier, to add properties to the integration flow and we can define the value as externalized parameters, this allows update only the configuration if we move our package from test to production:

Content Modifier - Properties

We will use the a Groovy Script, to add the date range and event type filters, we will define variables to control the loop and also some variables for logging:
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;

def Message processData(Message message) {

def properties = message.getProperties();

def last_days = properties.get('EventListFromLastDays') as Integer;

def today = new Date();
def createdFrom = today.minus(last_days);
def createdTo = today.next();

allFilters = String.format("{\"createdDateFrom\":\"%s\", \"createdDateTo\":\"%s\",\"eventTypeInList\":[\"1\",\"2\"]}",
createdFrom.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"), createdTo.format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"));
message.setProperty('filters', URLEncoder.encode(allFilters, 'UTF-8'));

message.setProperty("executionLog", 'Date Filters: ' + allFilters + '. ');
message.setProperty("insertedCount", 0);

//Call the API the 1st time and assing the token = 1
message.setProperty("hasPageToken", '1');
message.setProperty("firstExecution", 1);
message.setProperty("countApiCalls", 0);

return message;


We will use the Looping Process Call, to call all pages in the OR API result, when the property hasPageToken is '0' the loop ends:

Looping process for OR API Call

Finally we will use a Groovy Script to log the total of inserted events and attach the log in the execution:
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;

def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody();

def headers = message.getHeaders();

def properties = message.getProperties();
def valueInsertedCount = properties.get("insertedCount");

def executionLog = properties.get('executionLog');
executionLog = executionLog + 'Inserted events: ' + valueInsertedCount + '. ';

def messageLog = messageLogFactory.getMessageLog(message);
messageLog.addAttachmentAsString('ExecutionLog', executionLog, 'text/plain');

return message;


Now, let's create a new Local Integration Process and we will add these elements, this process will call every page result in the date range defined, the maximum records per page is 50. Reference: Usages of the Operational Reporting API for Strategic Sourcing.

OR API call

In the Content Modifier, we will add the apiKey for the Operational Reporting API, in header section:

apiKey for Operational Reporting

In the UpdateFilters script we have to add empty pageToken for the first execution and if the result has more 50 records it will use the new pageToken in the 2nd execution:
/* Refer the link below to learn more about the use cases of script.

If you want to know more about the SCRIPT APIs, refer the link below
https://help.sap.com/doc/a56f52e1a58e4e2bac7f7adbf45b2e26/Cloud/en/index.html */
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;

def Message processData(Message message) {

def properties = message.getProperties();

//get dateFilters
def pageToken = properties.get("pageToken");

def firstExecution = properties.get("firstExecution");
if (firstExecution == 1) {
pageToken = '';
message.setProperty("pageToken", pageToken);
message.setProperty("firstExecution", 0);

def countApiCalls = properties.get("countApiCalls");
countApiCalls = countApiCalls + 1;
message.setProperty("countApiCalls", countApiCalls);

return message;


We have to use HTTP Adapter between the Request Reply and Receiver:

HTTP Adapter

In the HTTP details we use global parameters in order to change these in configuration mode:

  • Address: We will use our created view in postman, we will update the final value in configuration mode.

  • Query: In realm and filters we are using the properties defined in the main process, for PageToken it will be different for each page result

  • Authentication: We have to use our OAuth2 created in a previous step, but the Credential Name will be a global parameter: {{AribaSourcing-OperationalReporting-Test-Realm}}, so we change it for test and production.

  • Request Headers: We have to write the apiKey.

Http Adapter details

After the API Call we will use a Groovy Script to read if the page has results and if it has a next Page:
/* Refer the link below to learn more about the use cases of script.

If you want to know more about the SCRIPT APIs, refer the link below
https://help.sap.com/doc/a56f52e1a58e4e2bac7f7adbf45b2e26/Cloud/en/index.html */

import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder;

def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody();

// get results
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper();
def apiResult = jsonSlurper.parse(body);

def properties = message.getProperties();
message.setProperty("count", 0);
message.setProperty("totalResult", apiResult.Records.size);
message.setProperty("resultRecords", apiResult.Records);

//validate if there are Results
message.setProperty("hasResults", apiResult.Records.size > 0 ? '1' : '0');

def executionLog = properties.get('executionLog');
def pageToken = properties.get("pageToken");
executionLog = executionLog + 'Total Results in API-Token-' + pageToken + ': ' + apiResult.Records.size + '. ';
message.setProperty("executionLog", executionLog);

if (apiResult.PageToken) {
message.setProperty("pageToken", apiResult.PageToken);
else {
message.setProperty("pageToken", '');

return message;

We will use the Router element to decide if we need to call a new looping process or not:

Router - Has Results

The Read Event looping process will call the last looping process, Insert Event:

Read event looping process call

The last step for this flow is update the sentinel value to continue or exit the first looping process:
/* Refer the link below to learn more about the use cases of script.

If you want to know more about the SCRIPT APIs, refer the link below
https://help.sap.com/doc/a56f52e1a58e4e2bac7f7adbf45b2e26/Cloud/en/index.html */
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;

def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody();

def headers = message.getHeaders();

def properties = message.getProperties();

//increase count
def pageToken = properties.get("pageToken");

if (pageToken == '') {
//set hasPageToken to false
message.setProperty("hasPageToken", '0');
else {
message.setProperty("hasPageToken", '1');

return message;


This will be last Local Integration process:

Insert Event process

We will use the GetEventId script to write the Select statement to database, because we want to check if the record is already inserted:
/* Refer the link below to learn more about the use cases of script.

If you want to know more about the SCRIPT APIs, refer the link below
https://help.sap.com/doc/a56f52e1a58e4e2bac7f7adbf45b2e26/Cloud/en/index.html */
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder;

def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody();

def headers = message.getHeaders();

def properties = message.getProperties();
def count = properties.get("count");
def resultRecords = properties.get("resultRecords");
message.setProperty("eventId", resultRecords[count].InternalId);

//get db schema
def db_schema = properties.get('DatabaseSchemaName');

// create SQL statement
def writer = new StringWriter();
def sqlStatement = new MarkupBuilder(writer);

sqlStatement.root {
sqlStatement.SelectStatement {
sqlStatement.arb_sourcing_event(action: 'SELECT') {
sqlStatement.table(db_schema + '.ARB_SOURCING_EVENT')
sqlStatement.access {
sqlStatement.key {

//set body

return message;

We will use the Request Reply, JDBC adapter and Receiver to read our Hana database:

JDBC Adapter

We will use the Xml to JSON Converter to parse the SELECT result:

XML to JSON converter

We will use a Groovy script to check if the response has rows:
/* Refer the link below to learn more about the use cases of script.

If you want to know more about the SCRIPT APIs, refer the link below
https://help.sap.com/doc/a56f52e1a58e4e2bac7f7adbf45b2e26/Cloud/en/index.html */
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper;

def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody();

def headers = message.getHeaders();

def properties = message.getProperties();

// get results
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper();
def dbResult = jsonSlurper.parse(body);

def hasResults = '0';

if (dbResult && dbResult.SelectStatement_response && dbResult.SelectStatement_response.row) {
hasResults = '1';

message.setProperty("hasResults", hasResults);

return message;

We will use the Router to insert the event in database if hasResults is false:

Router - Has Result

In the PrepareInsert script we will add this code, if you need more information about the supported statements, review this: Payload and Operation
/* Refer the link below to learn more about the use cases of script.

If you want to know more about the SCRIPT APIs, refer the link below
https://help.sap.com/doc/a56f52e1a58e4e2bac7f7adbf45b2e26/Cloud/en/index.html */
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder;

def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody();

def headers = message.getHeaders();

def properties = message.getProperties();

//incrementar contador
def resultRecords = properties.get("resultRecords");
def valueCount = properties.get("count");
def rfxEvent = resultRecords[valueCount];

//count insertion
def valueInsertedCount = properties.get("insertedCount");
valueInsertedCount = valueInsertedCount + 1;
message.setProperty("insertedCount", valueInsertedCount);

// create SQL statement
def writer = new StringWriter();
def sqlStatement = new MarkupBuilder(writer);

def db_schema = properties.get('DatabaseSchemaName');

// - PendingSelectionState -> 6
// - ClosedState -> 7
// - CancelledState -> 8
def extensionState = 'DRAFT';
if (rfxEvent.EventState == 6) {
extensionState = 'READY';
else if (rfxEvent.EventState == 7) {
extensionState = 'CLOSED';
else if (rfxEvent.EventState == 😎 {
extensionState = 'CANCELLED';

sqlStatement.root {
sqlStatement.InsertStatement {
sqlStatement.arb_sourcing_event(action: 'INSERT') {
sqlStatement.table(db_schema + '.ARB_SOURCING_EVENT')
sqlStatement.access {
if (rfxEvent.DocumentId) {
if (rfxEvent.Owner) {
sqlStatement.CREATEDAT((new Date()).format( 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' ))
sqlStatement.HAS_TEMPLATE_OBJECT(rfxEvent.TemplateObject != null)


return message;

We will use again a RequestReply, Receiver and JDBC adapter to execute the INSERT statement.

Finally we will use a Groovy script to increase the count:
/* Refer the link below to learn more about the use cases of script.

If you want to know more about the SCRIPT APIs, refer the link below
https://help.sap.com/doc/a56f52e1a58e4e2bac7f7adbf45b2e26/Cloud/en/index.html */
import com.sap.gateway.ip.core.customdev.util.Message;
import java.util.HashMap;

def Message processData(Message message) {
def body = message.getBody();

def headers = message.getHeaders();

def properties = message.getProperties();

//incrementar contador
valueCount = properties.get("count");
valueCount = valueCount + 1;
message.setProperty("count", valueCount);

return message;

Before to save the Integration Flow, we need to externalize the Timer, so we can change it in Configuration mode:

Timer - Externalize

Set a name and click Ok, if you need more information about Timer options, check this post from deepakgovardhanrao.deshpande: SAP Integration Suite – Advanced Scheduler Configuration

Timer - Advanced timer

When the Integration Flow is complete we have Save as version and return to the package:

iFlow - Save as version


SAP Integration Suite - Configure and Deploy

In the Package actions we can click on Configure:

Integration Flow - Configure

In Timer configuration, select "Run Once" for testing, later you can schedule the execution every 10 minutes, you should consider the rate limit before to Schedule the timer, the current rate limit for Operational Reporting is: 1/second, 3/minute, 50/hour, 300/day.

Timer - Configuration mode

In JDBC Receiver we have to enter our JDBC connection:

DB Receiver - Configuration

In HTTP Receiver we have to enter the credential for Operational Reporting, in Address we have to use our created view: https://openapi.ariba.com/api/sourcing-reporting-details/v1/prod/views/createdEventsView

HTTP Receiver Configuration

In more we can enter the global parameters:

Global parameters

We can save and deploy.

If we want review the execution we can go to Monitor -> Integrations -> Manage Integration Content:

Manage Integration Content

We have to click on Monitor Message Processing:

Monitor Message Processing

In the Completed flow you can review the attachments and open the ExecutionLog:

Integration Flow - Attachments

And we can see the ExecutionLog result:

Execution Log



In this post we show how SAP Integration Suite allow to connect to Ariba APIs, we can focus on the business logic and data validations, and SAP Integration Suite will be easy the OAuth authentication, the DB connection management, the Integration Flow configuration and deployment.

In this post we use the SAP Integration Suite as Job to download the information from SAP Ariba Sourcing, but you can also use SAP Integration as middleware between SAP ERP and SAP Ariba APIs, please explore here other tutorials: SAP Tutorials - Integration Suite.

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