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As we all are aware the rights of Social Partners, e.g. Works Councils, differ across Europe. The most important three different kinds of rights we see in Europe are:


  • Information Rights

  • Consultation Rights

  • Co-determination / Approval Rights

Usually we can say that in European countries, the decision WHICH HR system will be bought and used by a company is up to the employer. HOW it will be used is subject to your Social Partner engagement.

In this first of a small blog series I would like to introduce some nice OPTIONS HOW TO involve your social partners, especially the Works Council, in an HR process online. Involvement in this case really means a tailor-made WORKS COUNCIL App via SCP (SAP Cloud Platform).

Let's consider an example in the area of SuccessFactors Human Resources, specifically Recruiting, to make the idea tangible for you.

I will start with the use case as a first step, followed by the enhancement options described in step 2, closing with step 3 including some further information sources.


Step 1: Be clear about your business need and use case

Overall Business Goal

Actively involve all employees online. Ensure that all involved parties in an HR process are enabled to execute their daily tasks in a cloud-based environment. This could be regular data maintenance activities, time-critical decision workflows or any information right they have, to allow for efficient process completion.

Our Process Goal

Avoid process disruption like paper-breaks. In this example, I would like to focus on the Recruiting Process, where social partners like the German works council have co-determination / approval rights. To ensure relevant colleagues are well informed at any time, i.e. that they are equipped with the right information regarding job openings to take necessary decisions on new hires for the organization, they should be involved seamlessly in the cloud-based recruiting process in the best possible, most efficient way.

Technical Goal

Use available SAP and SAP SuccessFactors technical standard techniques to achieve a solid, cloud-based business process solution. Ensure a seamless usage on all potential devices.

Involved Parties (Roles) in the overall Recruiting Process

  • Hiring Manager

  • Recruiter | Recruiting Team

  • HR Business Partner

  • Shared Services Center

  • Works Council Members (WoC) => Our focus role for this blog

Use Case Details

What are the needs of the works council member OR What are the areas a Works Council Hearing App should cover?

First, the members of the Works Council need an own access point to all relevant hearings. Furthermore, they need detail views on job data as well as candidate data.

In consequence, the following functions should be available at minimum:

  • App Access Point


This entry point, usually an own tile in the intranet, Human Resources Pages or SuccessFactors Homepage (depending on a customer’s process and overall system setup), should directly reflect the workload for works council members, meaning: Title of "work area" and Count on "how many hearings" to execute.

  • Hearing Overview

Social partners may want to have a list view of all hearings for their regular meetings.

This list view shall also inherit a filter function to enable the users to filter status information like open and finished hearings.

By default, you may only want to show currently active hearings.

Personalization options, e.g. via drag & drop or persistent in the personalization area, should be available as well. On top an easy to use data export function to excel should be given to the user.

  • Hearing Details View

Social partners usually want to be able to check all details of a hearing, including available candidate pipeline statistics as well as comparison candidates.

For transparency reasons a view / compare job postings function, starting from application date of the selected applicant(s), should be visible.

Data of the posted position and submitted / selected candidate as well as other comparison applicants shall be available for comparison. Furthermore selection as well as rejection reasons from hiring manager and recruiter should be transparent. On top the user must be able to access a candidates' attachments like the cover letter, CV, certificates, etc.

To ensure a WoC member can prepare necessary hearings in a time-efficient way, an option for internal communications like an internal status as well as comments shall be available.

In case of questions it must be possible to send questions back to the responsible colleagues from HR / Recruiting.

Finally, a proper approval / rejection must be possible including the option to provide comments back to HR / Recruiting.

  • Candidate Overview

In case of any doubt and to adhere to general information rights a list overview of all available comparison candidates should be available. A user should be able to select comparison candidates and the details comparison should happen in the hearings detail view (see above).

  • Additional Requirements | Considerations

An own authorization concept should be set up for the role of a social partner | works council.

No personal data should be stored in SAP Cloud Platform, except for personalization information (SCP application views).


Step 2: Check and decide for one of the three options to enhance your SuccessFactors solution with a standard SAP Cloud Platform (SCP) App

Based on the description in step 1 an extension of SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management (RCM) & potentially Recruiting Marketing (RMK) is needed. In this case, but also in general, you may want to consider one or a combination of the following three options, depending on your needs as well as your available resources and budget:

Option 1: Customer developed SCP App

    • Process description & specification by customer (HR)

    • Development done by customer (IT)

    • Usually final approval to be given by responsible HR

    • Maintenance done by customer

 [End-to-end responsibility in customers' hand]

Option 2Partner developed SCP App

    • Process description & specification by customer (HR)

    • Development per contract done by partner

    • Final approval of development to be given by customer (HR/IT)

    • Maintenance done by partner OR customer – depending on contract

[Depending on contract subscription fees, a fix price, consulting service costs or a combination of all apply for customers]

Option 3: SCP App (CAE*) developed by SAP Innovation Business Solutions (IBS)

    • Process description & specification by customer (HR)

    • Development per contract done by SAP IBS

    • Final approval of developed functionality to be given by customer (HR/IT)

    • Maintenance done by SAP IBS

[Subscription fees apply for customers only as soon as the new app is in use and as long as it is in use; depending on individual contract details]

*CAE (= Cloud Application and Extensions) Advantage: CAE always bundles functionality, support and operation services for the duration of the subscription.


Step 3: Take your time - go through available standard sources & blogs


Explore a broad set of public APIs from SAP and selected partners for your integration and development needs. Learn more about the different APIs and how to access them using your own platform, language and frameworks of choice.

The SAP SuccessFactors API based on oData lets you integrate your app with SuccessFactors Human Capital Management Suite for accessing job requisitions, applications, positions, work schedules, employee information and more.




In this blog, you learned that it is possible to extend standard SAP SuccessFactors Human Resources solutions with SAP standard means of SAP Cloud Platform. You also got an initial use case description, relevant for companies with a modern works council. Furthermore, you now have a first impression who can build an extension and how. By applying this knowledge, you cannot only extend the recruiting process with a tailor-made app, but any other process – where necessary for your or your customers business – as well.


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