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Before writing this blog, I got one requirement that – to place the Temse Object into SAP Application Server (AL11).

The task seems to be simple why because by going to PU12 Export Tab and we can select the Temse Object which ever we required and by clicks on execute we can able to generate that file into AL11.

But the requirement is we need to automate this process means using background job we need to place the TemSe Object into SAP Application Server.

As the standard PU12 program(SAPMPU12) which is using for this purpose ,is not a executable report and it’s an module pool program you can’t run that with variants.

When I received this requirement, I have searched a lot in SCN to find out for the direct solution(way) but unable to catch up.

I have developed 1 custom report to achieve this with below idea.

1. First need to download the Temse object to local pc.

Using Standard SAP Report – RPCIFU03 we can achieve this.

2. Once Temse file is placed in Presentation Server ,we need to place that file to Application Server.

Using the Function Module – C13Z_FILE_UPLOAD_BINARY, we can achieve this if we have downloaded the Temse Object into Binary format.

Using the Function Module – C13Z_FILE_UPLOAD_ASCII,we can achieve this if we have downloaded the Temse Object into ASCII format.

The custom report will club these 2 steps and provide the solution to place the Temse Object into SAP Application Server directly.

I have attached the code to achieve this.

Check the usefulness of this and act accordingly.

Thanks & Regards,

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