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This blog is in continuation of my previous blog where we looked at different issues that could exist with the Launchpad content, over time or after the content management as per client requirements . We saw the procedure to analyze the Fiori catalog issues and the possible resolution actions that we could take.

In this blog, we will see how to analyze the Launchpad Content issues from the tile and target mapping level. Let's Begin...

Issues with Tiles and Target Mappings

The launchpad content manager indicates broken references and issues with the configuration of tiles and target mappings.

Procedure to check

  • Navigate to tiles/target mapping tab in Launchpad content manager.

  • Filter the Status column for warnings and errors.

  • Check the Title / Subtitle / Information column to get a first hint about the issue:

  • To check more details, select the row and choose Status Details. Here we can see the Original Tile Catalog ID, Original Target Mapping Catalog ID (will be helpful in issues analysis)

  • The Typical issue would be:

    • Reference Lost to Backend Catalog

    • Reference Lost

    • Configuration Error

What are the options?

Let’s understand what these issues means and what can be done to resolve them.

Issue What it means? What to do?
Reference Lost to Back-end Catalog Issue The selected tile/target mapping refers to an original tile/target mapping which was defined in the back-end. The reference is broken because the original tile/target mapping or the catalog in which the originals were defined do not exist on the front-end server. Look for Original Tile Catalog ID and Original Target Mapping Catalog ID (in error details, as shown above) and replicate the catalog to the front-end server
Reference Lost The selected tile/target mapping refers to an original tile/target mapping from another catalog. The reference is broken because the original tile/target mapping or the catalog in which the originals were defined do not exist in the system or client.

Look for Original Tile Catalog ID and Original Target Mapping Catalog ID (in error details, as shown above) . Check if the Catalog exist in other system or client (if deleted by mistake in current system/client) and if it does, transport the same to current system/client.

If it doesn’t work, delete the reference and create again.
Configuration Error: Tile Configuration Does not Exist An instance of the tile was created in the catalog, but the tile configuration form was not filled out. Check the tile configuration in the launchpad designer and maintain it correctly.
Configuration Error: Target Mapping Configuration Does not Exist An instance of the target mapping was created in the catalog, but the target mapping configuration form was not filled out. Check the target mapping configuration in the launchpad designer and maintain it correctly.
Configuration Error: Invalid Tile Configuration The tile configuration contains errors. Check the tile configuration in the launchpad designer and maintain it correctly.
Configuration Error: Invalid Tile/Target Mapping Configuration The target mapping configuration contains errors. Check the target mapping configuration in the launchpad designer and maintain it correctly.
Configuration Error: Custom tile data could not be read The configuration of the custom tile could not be extracted. This leads to incomplete information about this item. Open the catalog in the launchpad designer to display information on the custom tile.
Configuration Error: LPD_CUST data could not be read The LPD_CUST entry referenced by the tile/target mapping configuration in the launchpad designer was not found.

Check the configuration of the target mapping for application type SAP Fiori App using LPD_CUST

In transaction LPD_CUST, check the respective settings
App descriptor not found The app descriptor for the SAPUI5 component ID was not found by the SAPUI5 application index. There could be different root causes:

  • No SAPUI5 Fiori app with the referenced ID exists: Check the ID field in the Target mapping and check if it exists in SAPUI5 ABAP repository

  • A SAPUI5 Fiori app with this ID exists in the SAPUI5 ABAP repository, but the app index is not set up correctly: Run report (/UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE) to recalculate the App index

  • Known case: SAPUI5 Fiori apps provided by /ui2/ushell library: check the value of the URL field in target mapping in launchpad designer.

So, now we know how we can dig dipper into the Launchpad content issues and solve them quickly.

Keep learning and Keep Sharing!!

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