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To ASUG Members THANK YOU for your participation in the ASUG Virginia Chapter survey

We continue to reach out to our ASUG Members to better understand where ASUG can help and how we are doing in delivery to your educational, networking and SAP influence requirement. In this latest survey we asked for your feedback on 2017 and what we needed to strive for in 2018.  The chapter held three meetings this year:

Generally our chapter meetings have 75-80 in registrations, but this year the DC meeting had 109 attend in person.  It was a successful year for the chapter.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your valuable feedback with us. We have already started incorporating your feedback into our plans for 2018 chapter meetings and year round education planning.

See the responses below:

Please list the top 3-5 topics that would get you to register for a Chapter meeting:

This was a freeform question, but the following topics were mentioned repeatedly:
Public Sector


This feedback was taken to heart in planning the next ASUG Virginia Chapter meeting at Fairfax Water.  The survey shows submissions covering all topics shown above.

Please rank the following SAP hot topics according to importance for you to see at a future Chapter meeting

Similar to the question above, submissions for our next meeting cover the top topics shown above.

Please select the location most convenient for you to attend Chapter meetings:


Our next meeting is in Northern Virginia and the Fall 2018 meeting will be in Richmond, hosted by Altria.

The "other" comment asked about hosting another meeting in Washington, DC with the ASUG Maryland Chapter.

Would you or your company be interested in hosting a future Chapter meeting?

A big thank you to those who responded on this one.  All of these were offers from the Northern Virginia area.  The chapter is looking for locations in the Hampton Roads area.

Please contact me about:


Subset of Survey Comments:

Have more user presentations, especially from industry and public sector. Too many presentations are from vendors.

I also wonder if there are enough Hampton Roads members to justify a meeting in this area without asking people to drive 2-4 hours to attend meetings in other areas? Given the commute, it could be the difference between having some meeting vs. no meeting.

ASUG needs to concentrate more on the customer and requirements side and less on the technical side,

Might be easier to attend if not on a Friday, driving down and back on 95. Traffic to and from is highly unpredictable. Thanks for organizing though!

We would like to thank everyone that took the time to provide this very valuable feedback and we will take this feedback for our upcoming planning process for another successful year 2018 with the ASUG Virginia Chapter community.

Be sure to save the date for the next ASUG Virginia Chapter Meeting – April 6th in Lorton, Virginia.