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I am Randy Swink, an Enterprise Support Delivery Manager in North America and as part of my efforts to incorporate Social Media into my daily
routine, I am taking training from jason.cao.  My colleague, benjamin.wilk, BIF’d me and now it is my turn to participate in the Blog It Forward Community Challenge .

I work out of the Newtown Square office supporting Enterprise Support customers in North America.  Prior to returning to SAP in 2007, I worked for a BPO company and was a Functional HR Lead for a SAP customer.  I returned to SAP because I found I enjoy supporting customers more than being one.

For the challenge, here are my answers to Ben's three questions:


1. Share a fun fact/story about yourself that people don't know

I have played ice hockey virtually year round for almost 40 years (that makes me pretty old).  Although the years show, I still compete with players many years younger and do a reasonable job keeping up.  I play once or twice each week on my way to the office and then in several tournaments during the year.


2. What do you enjoy most in your work and why?


As I said earlier, I enjoy supporting customers and as a team lead, I also get to support other Enterprise Support colleagues.  Like most in support, I get a lot of job satisfaction from helping customers and colleagues work through and resolve issues.

3. What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?

While I was working for a customer, I participated in an ECC6.0 upgrade.  Not only did I learn from the experience,  I worked with a great team including our partner, Exaserv.  As with any project, we worked long and hard, but the upgrade went well with few problems and we managed to have a lot of fun along the way. 

I would also take the opportunity to blog it forward to two of my Enterprise Support colleagues who I hope will  use it as an opportunity to get involved with
Social Media: bob.bora and ryan.timmons

I will ask them the same questions I answered for Ben:

1.  Share a fun fact/story about yourself that people don't know

2.  What do you enjoy most in your work and why?

3.  What was the most fun project you ever participated in and why?

Look for them on Blog It Forward (BIF) Chain.