Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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  1. Follow 10 new accounts and 20 new leads on LinkedIn Sales Navigator

    • This is the best way to kick-start your Social Listening journey because your LinkedIn Sales Navigator homepage is going to be your Social Listening dashboard.

  2. Send 10 new LinkedIn contact requests where more than 5 are net new contacts every month.

    • By doing so, it will help accelerate relationship-building with your customers and you’d be the front-row audience to any buying signals.

  3. Be active in about 5 LinkedIn Groups specific to your region and/or area of expertise.

    • This allows you to expand your reach to a wider audience, read powerful resources on things highly-relevant in your industry and best of all be in-tune to all the juicy discussions among your target audience!

  4. Follow more than 10 LinkedIn influencers, channels, or publishers.

    • Following these channels will provide you with unlimited unique knowledge and professional insights that you can easily re-share.

  5. Follow more than 15 of your contacts on Twitter and create a Twitter List of your active customers.

    • Twitter lists will help you to organize your Twitter feed as it allows you to see only tweets from users on that list.



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