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Cloud ALM outbound raw data API - filter by job name using wildcard or partial name

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Hi, I'm exploring the usage of the metrics API and I want to fetch a list of jobs filtering by a partial job name, something like *PartialJobName*.

In the Jobs and Automation monitoring app filter, this is the default behavior and I inspected the GET request which shows the how the filter uses "contains" as in the below example:

GET JobMonitorView?$count=true&$orderby=ExecutionStatus%20desc&$filter=ServiceId%20eq%20'XXXX'%20and%20contains(JobName,'PartialJobName')%20and%20RuntimeUpperThreshold%20eq%204%20and%20RuntimeLowerThreshold%20eq%202%20and%20DelayUpperThreshold%20eq%2025%20and%20DelayLowerThreshold%20eq%2010%20and%20PlannedStartTime%20ge%202024-03-05T11:00:53.452Z%20and%20PlannedStartTime%20le%202024-03-07T11:00:53.452Z&$skip=0&$top=127 HTTP/1.1

I'm trying to achieve the same result for the raw data API but so far, I didn't succeed and I'm not sure if it's possible when reading the data provider documentation, as indicated in the raw data API filters options. 

This is an example of a request that works 


I tried to add remove the jobName parameter and add the filter parameter as in the J&A app, but it didn't work. Something like this: &filter=contains(jobName,'PartialJobName').

I tried other combinations using the jobName parameter and "*" or "%" too, but it didn't work. Maybe someone can help to confirm if this option is even available since the documentation is not clear to me.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Marçal,

Thank you for your interest in SAP Cloud ALM. OpenTelemetry filters for JobMonitoring accepts only constant value at this time (equal comparison), we need to double check the feasibility. In the meantimes, I don't think that such feature request exist in SAP Cloud ALM Operation influence program, I'd suggest to create one:

Best regards,


Active Contributor
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Thanks for the confirmation, Cyril!

I created the influence request 318778