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This blog goes over the required steps necessary to enable email alerts for SAP Cloud ALM Integration Monitoring for S/4HC 2108 Edition


If you haven’t already read my first blog, I encourage you to do so because it goes over how to setup SAP Cloud ALM Integration Monitoring which is required before what is shown in this blog. The link is attached here.



  • Assign yourself the appropriate roles on SAP Cloud ALM

    • Navigate to the User Management App under Administration. Then click on the User symbol, navigate to yourself (Add yourself if you don’t exist) and add the following roles based on your job persona: Integration Architect, Integration Owner, Integration Owner Sensitive, Job Monitoring Administrator, and Job Monitoring Consumer.

  • You need to add your email to the Recipient Management on SAP Cloud ALM

    • Navigate to the Notification Management App under SAP Cloud ALM for Operations. Click on the “+” and add all the emails you want to send notifications to. Once you do that you will receive an activation link to verify yourself and after you click the link your status will change to “Verified”


On your SAP Cloud ALM tenant navigate to the Integration & Exception Monitoring App; Open the configuration panel and select your service.

Click into the service again in the collapsed window

In the panel for the service you have selected, click on the Alerting tab and then the “Add” button.

A panel will open with Alert settings and you can fill out the fields according to your use case.

  • Select the Alert Name “Erroneous Messages (AIF) Detected”

  • Choose a unique “Display Name” that will be used later

  • Fill in an Alert Description if you want one (Optional)

  • In the Parameter section, select the frequency of how you’d like to receive alerts in the “Value” field

  • Select a filter name and the category you want to receive alerts for

Scroll down and select the “Parameters” and “Values” you want to filter your Alerts for your specific use case.

After you have selected what you want, hit the “Save” button in the bottom right corner.

Now that you’ve created your alert you can back out to the Fiori Launchpad page with all the apps and navigate to the Intelligent Event Processing App

In the Intelligent Event Processing App, click on the “+” to add a new rule

For Step 1, fill in the following: Under Rule Information, fill in the unique “Name” for your new Event Processing Rule

For step 2, Fill in the following: Under Event, select the “Type” as an “Integration Monitoring Event”, the “Alert Name” as the “Display Name” given in the Alert Settings from the Alerting tab in the Configuration for Services section, and the “Alert Context” as the “Service” in use.

NOTE: you can have multiple “Alert Names” and “Alert Contexts” in the same Event Processing Rule.

For step 3, Under Actions select the “Type” as “Send Email” and fill in the “Email Id” with the individual emails or distribution lists you wish to send email alerts to

Hit the save button and email alerts will be sent to the emails configured for it.


To summarize what you have learned you setup SAP Cloud ALM Integration Monitoring email alerts by assigning yourself the necessary roles, added your email to the Recipient Management, created a custom alert, and created a rule with the custom alert to send email notifications.

I hope this blog has helped you with your task of setting up alerts for SAP Cloud ALM Integration Monitoring. Please like and share my blog and any feedback in the comments will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

