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Other South American Code Jams: Peru-UDP, Peru-PUCP, & Bogota

Ruth Zamudio's write up on the UA page

Our final stop was the University of Lima.  The 40 plus students came in on a Saturday at 9 am to learn about HCP.  They students quickly went through the exercises and then did some extra ones.  It was tough for me to keep up.  Also, learned about some of the side projects that the attendees were working on.  One was working with an NGO that teaches girls who graduated high school how to do web design.  He will be attending the University of California’s grad program in the fall.

The school also has a tradition that visiting speakers have the flag of their nation raised in their honor. So for me, I had the Stars and Stripes (US Flag) raised.  We did this event on a Saturday, so there was only one flag raised.  They say that can have all 9 flag poles filled up during the week.

All of the Universities were great hosts, and we met a lot of great students.  I hope to hear what they can do with their new SAP knowledge in the future.

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SAP HCP and how to get a free trial account

OpenSAP Courses

SAP's University Alliances

0 Kudos

Thank you for sharing!

Here my impressions

LA: 3 SAP HCP Codejams in Lima!

0 Kudos

Thanks Ruth, I added a link to your great write up at the top (I didn't want it to just be down in the comments 😃 )