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Dear Readers

Do you want to know how to enable Single Sign-On from SAP IAS ??



SAP IAS - Identity Authentication Service 

The single sign-on through SAP IdP is not turned on by default. When disabled, users can only access SAP Commissions through the SAP Commissions login page, using their user ID and password. To enable it, you need to follow the below steps to configure

Once set up, users authenticated with SAP IAS can log in to SAP Commissions without entering their ID or password. Unauthenticated Commissions users that attempt to access a Commissions URL will be redirected to the SAP Identity Access Management login page for authentication.

Integration with IAS and Commission URL

You will be provided with two URLs:

  1. Standard Commissions URL - Users can enter the user ID and password and access SAP Commissions.
  2. SAP IdP based Commissions URL - This URL prompts users to enter their user ID and password via IdP and redirects users to SAP Commissions.

Architecture & documentation related to SAP Sales Cloud Single Sign-On(SSO) can be found here

Let's start the configuration, 

Login to SAP Identity Authentication Service [IAS] Portal

Go to Application & Resources Menu - Tenant Settings
    • Click SAML 2.0 Configuration


Download Metadata.xml
which will be used to upload in SAP Commission ( will be shown in below steps)


Navigate to Applications and choose the product you need to enable SSO

1. Type

Select SAML 2.0

2. SAML 2.0 Configuration and upload the sp.xml from SAP Commissions

3. Subject Name Identifier

4. Default Name ID Format

Choose either one for users login method



5. Assertion Attributes

User AttributesAssertion Attributes
User IDsapIdp.uid
Login NamesapIdp.loginName
First NamesapIdp.firstName
Last NamesapIdp.lastName

Update the values from the above table if incase if values are blank

Login to SAP Commission Portal to enable Single Sign-On ( SSO) 

Go to Global Settings

Configure from below screen with corresponding sequence numbers in SAML Configuration Type Section

Admin should logout the page after SAML is configured and ask Users to login to SAP Commission Portal.

Users should able to see the login page of SAP IAS Login screen

Admin can see the Security logs in SAP Commission Portal for users Authentication mechanism (SAML)

Troubleshooting in IAS or to find audit logs ( download CSV)

Azure Single Sign on Setup


SAP Cloud Identity Services:
Identity Authentication service in a nutshell:

Troubleshooting Resources

Online & Browser Tools:

➢ Allows you to validate a SAML Response for Chrome (see example in next slide, FF uses SAML Tracer) -

➢ Allows you to debug your SAML based implementation (see example in next slide, it is a way to validate if all of the related entries are valid) -  - Decode from Base64 format.

Thanks, for reading it till the end. 

Hope you find that helpful! Let me know your thoughts on this in the comments section.
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