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Welcome, JavaScript developers! Today we're diving into the world of TypeScript - a powerful language extension for JavaScript that helps you build larger and more complex applications. TypeScript is like JavaScript, but with superpowers, and here's why.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript, developed by Microsoft, is an open source language tool based on JavaScript. It offers optional static typing, which means you can assign types to your variables, functions and objects to detect errors earlier in the development process.

Why TypeScript?

  • Earlier error detection
    TypeScript catches errors during the development phase, long before they end up in production code.

  • Better tool support
    Autocomplete, refactoring tools and IntelliSense in IDEs are much more sophisticated for TypeScript.

  • Easier scaling
    Type systems make your code safer and easier to understand, which is particularly beneficial for large projects.

Why TypeScript is Important for SAP Fiori Developers

As SAP Fiori evolves to deliver more sophisticated and user-friendly applications, the need for robust development practices becomes essential. This is where TypeScript enters the scene for Fiori developers. It's not just another technology to learn; it's a strategic investment in code quality, maintainability, and productivity.

TypeScript offers Fiori developers the ability to write more predictable and self-documenting code, which is crucial when dealing with complex UIs and integrations that Fiori applications often require. The static typing system catches errors at compile time, reducing runtime issues that can be costly in a business environment.

Moreover, TypeScript's compatibility with modern JavaScript features and its ability to transpile to a version compatible with SAPUI5's core, which is based on older JavaScript versions, ensures that developers are not restricted by the platform's limitations. They can use the latest features of the language without worrying about browser compatibility.

Lastly, TypeScript's tooling and IntelliSense features integrated into development environments like SAP Business Application Studio greatly enhance the developer experience. This leads to a more efficient development process, allowing for quicker iterations and a focus on creating value through innovative features rather than fixing bugs.

Embracing TypeScript is a forward-looking approach for SAP Fiori developers focused on building robust, enterprise-grade applications.

Basic concepts of TypeScript


TypeScript supports both primitive types (such as string, number, boolean) and complex types.
let message: string = "Hallo, Welt!";
let total: number = 120;
let isLoggedIn: boolean = false;


You can use interfaces to define the form of objects, which helps with object orientation.
interface User {
name: string;
age: number;

let user: User = { name: "Max", age: 30 };

Classes and inheritance

TypeScript supports modern OO principles, including classes and inheritance.
class Person {
name: string;
constructor(name: string) { = name;

class Employee extends Person {
employeeId: number;
constructor(name: string, employeeId: number) {
this.employeeId = employeeId;


Generics offer a way to create reusable components.
function insertAtBeginning<T>(array: T[], value: T) {
return [value, ...array];

let demoArray = [1, 2, 3];
let updatedArray = insertAtBeginning(demoArray, 0); // [0, 1, 2, 3]

Getting Started with TypeScript in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular editor among developers, and it's well-equipped for TypeScript. If you're transitioning from JavaScript, you'll find VS Code's TypeScript support incredibly helpful. Here's how to set up TypeScript in VS Code.

Step 1: Install Node.js and npm

Before you work with TypeScript, you need to have Node.js and npm installed. They come bundled together, and you can download them from the official Node.js website.

Step 2: Install TypeScript

With npm installed, you can now install TypeScript globally on your machine by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install -g typescript

Step 3: Open Your Project in VS Code

Launch VS Code and open the folder containing your project. If you're starting from scratch, you can create a new folder and open it in VS Code.

Step 4: Initialize a New TypeScript Project

In the terminal integrated in VS Code (you can open it with Ctrl+), type the following command to create a tsconfig.json file, which is the configuration file for TypeScript:
tsc --init

This command creates a tsconfig.json file with default settings that you can customize as needed.

Step 5: Write TypeScript Code

Create a new file with the .ts extension. VS Code automatically recognizes it as a TypeScript file. You can now start typing your TypeScript code. For instance:
function greet(person: string): string {
return `Hello, ${person}!`;

const user = "Developer";

Step 6: Compiling TypeScript to JavaScript

To compile your TypeScript file to JavaScript, you can run the TypeScript compiler in the terminal:

If you have a tsconfig.json file in your project, running tsc without any input files will compile all files specified in that configuration.

Step 7: Enable Automatic Compilation

To make your development process smoother, you can enable automatic compilation of TypeScript files on save. To do this, press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the command palette and type 'Tasks: Configure Default Build Task'. Choose tsc: watch - tsconfig.json. This will compile your TypeScript files every time you save them.

Step 8: Explore TypeScript Features in VS Code

VS Code offers powerful features for TypeScript development, such as IntelliSense, code navigation, and refactoring tools. Take advantage of these features to boost your productivity.

Step 9: Install TypeScript Declaration Files

For using certain JavaScript libraries with TypeScript, you might need to install TypeScript declaration files to get type definitions. You can install them using npm. For example, for the popular library lodash, you would run:
npm install --save @types/lodash


Visual Studio Code and TypeScript together create a robust environment for developing scalable and maintainable JavaScript applications. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to leveraging the full power of TypeScript in your development workflow.
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