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I like indicators.  Back in the day, I was a huge fan of External Modems (I think I just dated myself :lol: ) I liked hearing the "negotiation" sounds when a connection was being made and then seeing the little lights blink as data "flew" over the wire.

That preference has never changed.  Any time that I can see raw data, I prefer it  Fortunately IDM gives us the ability to see the engine at work through the Dispatcher Test mode which I've discussed before.

Dispatchers can always be placed into Test Mode even if they are set as services.  Just make sure that you Stop the service first.

Once you do this a Command Shell Window (or as we said way back when "DOS") that looks something like this:

Don't worry that the display doesn't change, that's normal. It will change soon enough. The following screenshot shows what happens when a job is run:

So you can see that things are definitely happening now! To see more or less, adjust the Log level in the Dispatcher properties:

Enjoy testing your Dispatchers!

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