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Continuing my previous discussion of how to configure some display and search options in IDM, let's consider Search. We are all familiar with the basic search functionality which lets you search the Identity Store in general, but what if you wanted to give your IDM users the ability to search on specific attributes?  In this Blog, we will look into how to do just that.
To start, we will need to enable the default search task that is bundled with IDM. We start again, by accessing the MX_PERSON Entry Type, and selecting the appropriate search task.  Again for these blogs we will work with MX_PERSON, but will work for other Entry Types.
Once the Search Task has been chosen, the Entry Type it will look something like this:
And this is how it will appear in the Web Based UI:
However what if we want to be able to search by different attributes?  (That was the point of all of this, after all :wink: ) This is easily done by selecting the attributes you would like to be able to search on:
Once that is done, you can then search the Identity Store using the Advanced Search functionality.  Note that as with Basic search, you can use wildcards to ease your search.  Note the listing of "Bad guys" here
Or a listing of "Avengers"
There's still some more to examine here, next time we will take a look at customizing the Search Results themselves!
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