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Being a SAP student ambassador this was the 1st responsibility given to us and I was very excited to stand apart among others, being a privileged SAP student ambassador and deliver these sessions. So to begin with Roadshows journey started @ Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology, Pune and around 80 students attended the session the session was very lively and full of questions as this was the 1st time SAP UA has come up with an idea of app rumble contest in India. Students were very curious to know about the Design Thinking and HANA. Students were given the details about the app rumble contest and Techniversity and whats in it for them.

                                    Next journey was at the Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, Pune and around 30 students participated in the session and there also excitement was none the less for contest and Techniversity 2013. Students were excited to see last year's techniversity video and were surprised to see so many eminent speakers,entrepreneurs and evangelists present @ Techniversity.

                                   Last Journey of my roadshow was at Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research and around 70 students attended the session on app rumble and Techniversity. Students were excited to know that its the largest technology event for student organised by any company.