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In this project, we aimed to create a dynamic graph to use as an SPC Chart, ["Fig. 1."]. In order to achieve this, we created a custom plugin to view the graph from the POD, custom tables in a cloud database to feed data to the graph, the process to add data to the database and create scenario-based actions, tags to read data from the shop-floor, and a subscription.

["Figure 1- Overall Graph View"]["Figure 1- Overall Graph View"]

Details & Design of the Development

In our scenario, there will be five random measurements values at the first operation of an order. Our main process is triggered by the input fed by the tag in the form of an (sfc,value) structure, when related tag value changed, it is catched by the subscription created via the Automatic Trigger App, and this subscription triggers a spesific process. [“Fig. 2.”]

["Figure 2 - Main Process"]["Figure 2 - Main Process"]

Within the process, after separating this input into sfc and value, further information about the sfc, such as resources, is obtained using Retrieve Sfc Details Service.

After getting the SFC details there is a parallel condition to invoke both a second process [“Fig. 3.”] and a custom service that adds data to the 'z_spc_period' table ["Fig. 4."]. With the second process, we aimed to update the resource status as 'SCHEDULED_DOWN' and send a notification to a Teams Channel, when the value falls outside the maxOut and minOut limits. For the maxValue and minValue violations, we aimed to log a pre-defined Nc code, change the status of the SFC to 'HOLD' and send a notification to a Teams Channel with this process.

["Figure 3 - Second Process"]["Figure 3 - Second Process"]

["Figure 4 - z_spc_period Table"]["Figure 4 - z_spc_period Table"]

We created 3 graphs as; SPC, Average Value, Value Gap. When the custom plugin screen opened, the Average Graph is preselected. To facilitate ease of use, there are total of 5 filters that are same to all graph selections: Workcenter, Resource, Order, SFC, and Material. Average value graph gives the average of values for a completed period. Calculation is performed based on the values from the custom 'z_spc_period' table and the results are inserted in the 'z_spc_value' table at the cloud DB [Fig.5.], however the max. number of values that could be in a period can be changed from the process design that we create, by editing the maxDataNum value.

["Figure 5 - z_spc_value Table"]["Figure 5 - z_spc_value Table"]

SPC graph gives the value versus period ID graph based on a SFC. As this graph functions based on a SFC, SFC field at the filter section becomes mandatory. Graph also shows the maxValue&minValue limits, maxOut&minOut limits and for the points that exceeds those limits there is an NC logging option. To log an NC, user need to click on the desired data-point and the NC log button from the info box that is opened [“Fig. 6.”]. This button will lead to a pop-up NC Logging screen [“Fig. 7.”].

["Figure 6 - Info Box of Data Point"]["Figure 6 - Info Box of Data Point"]

["Figure 7 - Custom NC Log Popup"]["Figure 7 - Custom NC Log Popup"]

Demo Video

If you like this post or have any questions, please let us know in the comments.
All questions are highly appreciated.

Dilahan Çiloğlu & Ege Aksöyek