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Hello All,


Looking back through my notes and customer cases, I noticed that sometimes some customers face issues with the message: F5735 :!:



This message is from the Financial area and its description is something like that:

FI interface: Small difference * XXX 00 cannot be distributed
Message no. F5735

A small discrepancy of * occurred in currency XXX for currency type 00 in the FI interface due to a rounding error.
Because the discrepancy is caused by a system error, it cannot be corrected.

Notify the SAP Hotline.



If this message appears during an invoice cancellation using MR8M transaction, there is a simple way to fix it:

Post a Credit Memo


A Credit Memo presents the same posting logic as an invoice canceled via MR8M transaction, and for details, you may read SAP Note 46564.
Some customers have questions regarding the differences of the posting logic of a Credit Memo via MIRO transaction, and the cancellation via MR8M transaction, but, let's keep this for a future blog post :smile:



Depending on your business scenario, you may not post a Credit Memo. If that is your case, you can find the solution in SAP Note 1319322.
Note 1319322 does not mention the error F5735, but, it is related to this message.
Sometimes, message F5735 may raise due to the posting string settings (field BUSTW) configured in table T169A.
Note 1319322 presents some settings to be added to table T169A that would help to solve error F5735.



Every customer has their own business scenarios and needs, taking that into consideration, there were some situations where the message F5735 appeared due to FI substitutions in place. That is a good point for checking!



I have to say I'm a person who really likes to debug :grin:
Therefore, an important hint I have is involving debugging!
A good debugging with a subsequent Note/KBA search with a source code extract is always very helpful.
To debug messages like F5735 and find where it is the root cause in the source code is easy:

1. Enter in debug mode while in MR8M transaction or MIRO transaction (our famous /h).
2. Fill the necessary fields and then, if you are on MR8M transaction, just execute it; if you are working on MIRO transaction, choose Simulate button.
3. Once you enter in debug mode, you set 2 watchpoints: SY-MSGID = 'F5' and SY-MSGNO = '735' ℹ
4. Hit F8 and keep track of both variables SY-MSGID and SY-MSGNO. Once these variables are filled with F5 735 you will see the main source code from where the message is raised.
5. With the function name or program name + the error, search in SAP Support Knowledge for related solutions.



This debug hint is very simple and it is valid for any error or warning messages received during the invoice processing.


