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In the vast world of data management, SAP Master Data Governance has established itself as a leading platform, providing a unified framework to handle, control, and govern master data. One of the essential elements in SAP MDG is Rule Mining, a feature that has transformed the way businesses manage their data.
It enables companies to expose patterns and relationships in data and real-time decision-making abilities across different data domains—whether material, customer & supplier. This blog will shed light on the concept of Rule Mining for Business Partners in SAP MDG and explain how to set up the same.

What is Rule Mining in SAP MDG?

Rule Mining is a data mining technique used in SAP MDG to discover and manage business rules. It helps identify data patterns and correlations that could help improve the overall business strategy. Turned into actionable rules, these patterns can yield practical, usable results that drive business efficiency.


Picture Source - https://www.sap.com/documents/2019/11/feac7e38-757d-0010-87a3-c30de2ffd8ff.html

Configuring Rule Mining in SAP Master Data Governance (Business Partners)
Below are the Fiori applications that we need to start working with Rule Mining for Business Partners.

App NameApp IDPurposeBusiness Roles
Manage Rule Mining for Business PartnersF4084Create and Start Mining Runs to Discover Business Rules from the existing Master Data RecordsSAP_BR_BUPA_MASTER_STEWARD

Process Rules from Rule Mining for Business Partners

F4070Review and Manage Rules from Rule-Mining RunsSAP_BR_BUPA_MASTER_STEWARD


Step 1: Activation of ICF nodes (TCODE SICF)

  • /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/md_qmndrl_s1
  • /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/md_qrlmng_s1



Step 2: Activation of ODATA services (TCODE /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE)




Step 3: Adding Authorization (TCODE PFCG)
Create a custom role copying role SAP_BR_BUPA_MASTER_STEWARD and add below authorizations objects.

Authorization ObjectDescription
MDC_DQEVALData Quality Evaluation Permissions
MDQRM_RULEMaster Data Quality: Validation Rule
MDQRM_RLUSMaster Data Quality: Validation Rule Usage
MDQRM_MNNGMaster Data Quality: Rule Mining
MDQRM_MNDRMaster Data Quality: Mined Rule
MDQRM_RLIMMaster Data Quality: Validation Rule Import
MDQRM_RLEXMaster Data Quality: Validation Rule Export


Step 4: Adding the Apps in Fiori
Choose the apps from the business catalog SAP_CMD_BC_QLTY_EVAL_BUPA and design your Fiori page accordingly using the apps Manage Launchpad Spaces & Manage Launchpad Pages (Business role: SAP_FLP_ADMIN).


Assignment of Page and Roles in a space




Assignment of Apps in the page

Executing Rule Mining in SAP Master Data Governance (Business Partners)

Example Scenario - As a master data steward you'd like to create a mining run and to find the business rules associated with Customer General Data stored in table KNA1. 

Step 1: Use App Manage Rule Mining app to create and execute a Mining Run


Click on Create


Enter Description 


Add Tables for Mining Rule - In our case - KNA1


Add filters - If you want to find the business rules for some specific customer account groups


Add Fields - Considering we need to find out how the languages are stored for the countries in Customer Master.

saikatjay_13-1707490183178.pngChecked by Rule: Check this flag if you want this field to be checked as part of a rule. Mined rules are formatted as IF/THEN statements, selecting this flag means that this field will be in the THEN part of the rule.
Condition of rule: Check this flag if you want the field to be a condition of a rule. Mined rules are formatted as IF/THEN statements, selecting this flag means that this field will be in the IF part of the rule.

Click on Apply


Click on Start


Once the execution is complete, we can see the number of rules that are found by the ML algorithm for the above condition.


Step 2: Use App Process Rules from Rule Mining app to review the Mining Run and implement the Rules


Below are the rules found by the Mining Run 
Absolutely fascinating to see that the system is proposing us the rules which we can approve/reject and link into a validation rule which can be utilized in Central Governance


To implement a Rule, select it and click on Accept



Link the same to a New Validation Rule



Navigate to the Validation Rule by Clicking on the Link


The rule can be added to Change Request Process, Consolidation, Quality Evaluation & Mass Processing.
For this instance, let's add it for change request process and quality evaluation.


Click on Prepare in the Usage Option and approve the rule.



Enable the Usage in Data Quality Evaluation and Check in Change Request


Step 3: Testing the Rule

Change Request Process
Pre-requisite: Validation Rules (Data Quality) should be marked as relevant in the Change Request Step


Rule is successfully implemented in Change Request Process

Data Quality Evaluation





Rule Mining in SAP MDG is a powerful tool for driving efficiency and value in your data management initiatives. It plays a crucial role in identifying patterns and insights that could significantly improve business processes and strategies. With a proper understanding of this function and know-how to set up this system, businesses can fully leverage the potential of their master data for more informed, data-driven decision-making.

Important Links & Blogs
Using MDG Rule Mining to Improve Data Quality - SAP Community

How Machine Learning Helps Identify Data Quality R... - SAP Community

How machine learning helps to identify data quality rules with SAP MDG on SAP S/4HANA

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