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Change the sequence/order of solr facets in PLP


We have about 10 solr facets in the PLP. I am trying to change the order of a new facet, currently it is displaying in the bottom, I gave it more priority to display it in the middle but my attempts went in vain.

I am changing the priority of the facet from backoffice and then performing full solr index, I am not able to take my facet one step above. I thought the issue is with the new facet and tried to change the order of existing facets, but nothing worked. Please find the impex below, I am changing the priority attribute from backoffice and from below impex, none of those worked.

INSERT_UPDATE SolrIndexedProperty; solrIndexedType(identifier)[unique = true]; name[unique = true]; type(code); sortableType(code); currency[default = false]; localized[default = false]; multiValue[default = false]; facet[default = true]; facetType(code); facetSort(code); priority; visible; useForSpellchecking[default = false]; useForAutocomplete[default = false]; fieldValueProvider            ; facetDisplayNameProvider; customFacetSortProvider; topValuesProvider; rangeSets(name)

; $solrIndexedType ; color; string ; ; ; ; ; ; MultiSelectOr ; Alpha ; 13 ; true ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

I do not want to do it through adaptive search. Is there a way to do it programmatically.
Thanks in advance.
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Check if SolrSearchQueryTemplate and SolrSearchQueryProperty definitions are available. If they are defined, the values from SolrSearchQueryProperty are used, so you need to set priority on SolrSearchQueryProperty definition, of course you need to define SolrSearchQueryProperty for your attribute.

Changes you made about priority, facet and free text search parameters should be affective immediately. You don't need to perform full index.