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“How can we rejuvenate the image of SAP in Germany, Austria and Switzerland?” With this question in mind, Ansgar Ruhnau, project lead of the “Millenials talk to Millenials” initiative, set up a team of young talents from Sales, HR, and Communications to tackle the challenge.

The answer the team came up with: Let’s show also non-IT students out there that we actually are a young and innovative company. We are more than just nerds. We are a diverse group of very different people with various backgrounds and CVs.

And what are we trying to achieve?

We want to inspire other young people to work for this great company. We want to show them who we are and give them hands-on experience on how it is to work for SAP and we want to meet them where they :!: are: at universities and in social networks, not only at career fairs.

How are we doing it?

We got the idea to jump on the SAP RunSimple truck and were given the opportunity to make a few extra stops at selected universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (see the tour dates below) where we – the project team and young recruiters – can meet the students in person.

The students have the opportunity to do a “speed recruiting” (like speed-dating) onsite and even record their own sales pitch to show us their talent. In addition, there will be plenty of time to talk to other young people; people, just like them, who recently graduated or are about to graduate and who were asking themselves the same questions as they do: Where do I want to work? Which Company does really :!: fit my needs?

Sounds interesting? Help us by spreading the word

Join us onsite, follow us online and tell others about this campaign!

These are our tour stops

09.04. WHU Vallendar

10.04. Hochschule Karlsruhe

16.04. Uni Frankfurt

20.04. TU München

23.04. WU Wien

TBC    Uni Zürich

TBC    Hochschule St. Gallen

And this is the team

