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Naming Convention

Enterprise Portal 6.0 SP2 patches now have an improved naming convention. From this version on, portal patches are to be aligned with those of J2EE 6.20 and of Knowledge Management & Collaboration. It is, therefore, recommend that when upgrading your system to J2EE patch level XY, you also upgrade the portal to Patch XY.

One-Time Closing of the Gap

For the upcoming release of EP 6.0, the patch is designated as Patch 27, despite the fact that the previous patch was Patch 5. This one-time step aligns the patch numbering of the portal with that of J2EE Engine. Portal will not have patches 6-26.

Alignment with J2EE in Future Releases

The availability of future portal patches will be coordinated with that of J2EE Engine. Patches are expected every 5 weeks.

Improvement: Accumulation

From now on, portal patches will be cumulative. Each future patch will include all the fixes provided with previous patches, going back to and including portal Patch 5. In other words, the current patch (27) includes the fixes provided with Patch 5, which was released a few weeks ago. Hence:

- If your installation is currently up-to-date with Patch 4, you can directly install the latest patch.

- If your installation is not yet updated up to Patch 4, you must install Patch 4 first, and then you can continue to the latest patch available. Make sure that you upgrade to Patch 4 according to the instructions in the guide Installing Patch 4 for EP 6.0 SP2 since Patch 4 and its preceding patches are not cumulative.