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gregor.wolf, thaddel1976 and me were invited to join the SAP Hybris Summit 2016 in Munich in order to bring SAP Hybris and the SCN community together. We would like to thank the SAP Hybris Summit Team and especially Carsten Thoma, President of SAP Hybris Software for giving us the opportunity to join this extremely exciting event. SAP Hybris has reached the classic SAP ecosystem as it's brand new Hybris as a Service (YaaS) is now the Business Service enabler for SAP HANA Cloud Platform and thus it's logical to build a bridge and bring everybody together.

On Thursday, the day of the so called "Hybris Spaces" we were glad to meet Christian Neeb, lead of SAP Hybris Labs. We introduced the SAP Mentor initiative to him and soon we had great discussions how we could bring SAP Hybris and the broader SAP community together. Christian was very kind and caught a lot of colleagues during our talk so we had always the concrete expert to talk with at the table.

We stated that the local SAP community in Munich could use the infrastructure of SAP Hybris Labs for doing some meetups and sessions which is a real good thing but geographical restricted. Attending SAP Inside Tracks in order to make the SAP Hybris technology more popular is one thing, and together with Michael Oemler we discussed the various possibilities to reach out to the SAP developers using the SAP CodeJams, SAP InnoJams and SAP DemoJams. SAP Hybris has with its Hybris Hackathons something similar to SAP InnoJam and on Hybris Summit the winners showed their cool implementations like it's with SAP DemoJam. Maybe SAP Hybris could do something like SAP CodeJams as well - we believe that there would be great interest to spend an afternoon and get a deep dive into YaaS.

Together with Ken Lomax we discussed the various possibilities to reach out to the SAP community using the SAP Mentor Mondays (public and private) and the new established sapsysarchs calls in order to have a close discussion with interested developers, admins and architects. Moreover that we had a discussion with Jacek Konopelski about the openSAP. It was great to hear that the collaboration has already started. Looking forward for openSAP courses about SAP Hybris products and technology as well.

We are impressed how open the gentlemen of SAP Hybris are and how we were welcomed at the SAP Hybris Summit. Thank you very much and we are looking forward to meeting you again.