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Material Listing and Exclusion are used in the business scenarios where the business want to limit specific customers to order some specific materials due to some business reasons.

Material Listing: A Material Listing is created for a Customer. The Customer can only buy the Material contained in the list. The system does not allow any Material to be entered if they are not contained in the Material Listing.


Material Exclusion: A Material Exclusion is created for a Customer. The Customer cannot buy the Material contained in the list. It excludes the material from buying for the customer. The system will not allow  the material to enter that are in the Material Exclusion List.

Material Listing and Exclusion uses Condition Techniques to List / Exclude Material for specific Customers.

Configuration Path: SPRO>Sales and Distribution>Basic Functions>Listing/Exclusion.


Configuration Nods:


  1. Activate Listing/Exclusion by Sales Document Type

  2. Procedures for Maintaining Listing/Exclusion

  3. Maintain Listing/Exclusion Types

  4. Optimize Accesses

  5. Maintain Access Sequences for Listing/Exclusion

  6. Maintain Allowed Fields for Listing/Exclusion

  7. Maintain Condition Tables for Listing/Exclusion

Configuration Steps:

Activate Listing/Exclusion by Sales Document Type

Maintain Condition Tables for Listing/Exclusion

Maintain Access Sequences for Listing/Exclusion

Maintain Listing/Exclusion Types

Procedures for Maintaining Listing/Exclusion


Maintain Condition Record


Material Listing Condition Record.


Material Exclusion Condition Record


Sales Order Behavior:

Material Exclusion Sales Order


Note: Material Listed in material exclusion conditions are


Material exclusion List:

1. M0001


When we create sales order and use the customer and try to input the exclusion listed materials, the system will not allow to proceed the order and will show error messages “Material has been excluded”.

Material Listing Sales Order


Note: Material Listed in material listing conditions are

Customer: INCBAN0102

Material exclusion List:




When we create sales order and try to input material outside the material listed in the listing condition records the system will show message” Material is not listed and therefore not allowed”

As you can see material M0003 & M0004 are in the Material Listing Condition Record but material M0008 are not in the Material Listing Condition Record so in sales order it’s not allowing to use it and shows the error message.



  1. G000

  2. KOTG001

  3. KOTG002

  4. KOTG003

  5. KOTG004


Material Listing / Exclusion is a key feature provided by SAP SD that allows the sale of materials to allowed / disallowed Customer in different business scenarios and this blog post contains the step by step configuration of Material Listing / Exclusion Configuration in SAP S/4HANA system.

Next Post will be on Material Determination in S/4HANA.

Hope this blog will be useful To all and if you like the post please share your feedback and comments.


Surajit Biswas
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