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Have you ever heard of PANKS?

PANKS is an acronym that stands for Performance Assistant Note and KBAS Search and as its name implies, it’s a new tool that searches for SAP Notes and KBAS from the performance assistant based on the ABAP error code and context.

Whenever you get an error message, the Performance Assistant is there to help you:

This is the Performance Assistant that comes along with ABAP error messages.

Looking more closely to the Performance Assistant, you will notice there is a new button:

Click on it and you will get SAP Notes and KBAS related to the error code that are relevant to your SAP Netweaver system. In the example 3G 103:

How does PANKS work?

This is the algorithm used by PANKS to search for SAP Notes and KBAS (Source: Note 2020356):

TRANS = Transaction

ID = Message class

NNN = Message number

  1. TRANS and sy-cprog and (IDNNN or ID + NNN)
  2. TRANS and help_infos-report + (IDNNN and ID + NNN)
  3. TRANS and help_infos-dynpprog and (IDNNN or ID + NNN)
  4. TRANS and help_infos-PROGRAM and (IDNNN or ID + NNN)
  5. TRANS and help_infos-MSGV1 + (IDNNN or ID + NNN) [In case help_infos-sy_dyn = 'U']
  6. TRANS and IDNNN
  7. sy-cprog and (IDNNN or ID + NNN)
  8. help_infos-report and (IDNNN or ID + NNN)
  9. help_infos-dynpprog and (IDNNN or ID + NNN)
  10. help_infos-PROGRAM and (IDNNN or ID + NNN)
  11. help_infos-MSGV1 and (IDNNN or ID + NNN) [In case help_infos-sy_dyn = 'U']

  • If SAP Notes and / or KBAS are found in any of the steps [1-11], the rest of the steps will be omitted.
  • Different fields in our help_info-structure are filled by Screen Processor according to the current state of program at run-time. They do not need to and may not be filled at the same time.They have different meanings: program to which the screen belongs, report from which program to which screen belongs is started, program for sub screen, code from which the program to which screen belongs is started.The user can find out it via System -> Status -> sub screen for ‘Repository-data’ or via usage of ‘technical info’ button, when F1-help is clicked on the relevant screen.

What’s the advantage compared to the info that traditionally provided the performance assistant?

  • Complete integration with the SAP Notes and KBAS repository.
  • Real time, immediate documentation update. Updating the info provided in the Performance Assistant is necessary but it may take some time... Changes in KBAS and SAP Notes take immediate effect!

New PANKS makes part of a collection of tools that makes it possible to search for notes and kbas directly from the system where the issue happens:

Unlike ANST which searches for SAP correction Notes based on ABAP objects, PANKS relies on the quality of the text of the SAP Notes and KBAS, which means, some adjustments to the SAP Notes and KBAS might be needed to get the best results.

Watch the video demo:

Release info:

PANKS will be released with the following SAP_BASIS patches:

Release            Package name

      700                        SAPKB70032
      701                        SAPKB70117
      702                        SAPKB70217
      710                        SAPKB71020
      711                        SAPKB71115
      730                        SAPKB73013
      731                        SAPKB73115
      740                        SAPKB74010

Can’t wait for the support packages?

Apply the following note (At present, withdrawn for maintenance, (Thanks for your patience!):

2020356 - Search for SAP Notes in document viewers not possible

If you apply the note manually, take into account that it contains manual steps and that note 2080528 as to be applied as a prerequisite. Note 2094901 is also aprerequisite for release 710.

Special thanks to natalya.timchouk who has developed the Performance Assistant Note and KBAS Search feature and to jesus.lopez from our Product Support for his determination to make this possible.

More info on the KBA:

2096401 - FAQs: Performance Assistant Notes and KBAS search PANKS

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