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Adopt the Group Financial Statements Review Booklet to your own reporting needs

We have recently released a video in a blog to showcase the powerful capabilities of the Group Financial Statements review booklet. In this video we've illustrated how our standard Group Financial Statements Review Booklet works and how it helps to ease the stress of the financial close related reporting tasks. 

Are you a key user in your organization? Have you ever wished you could tailor the Group Financial Statements Review Booklet to suit your business's specific needs? If that sounds like you, then you're in the right place! In this blog, we'll walk you through a step-by-step guide on how you can craft your very own personalized Review Booklet using our innovative Review Booklet Designer.

1. Open “Manage KPI and Reports” application

2. Navigate to the tab “Review Booklet"

3. Select the review booklet “Group Financial Statements”

4. Click on “Copy”


5. Enter the name of your specialized Review Booklet and click on ‘Copy’

6. Click on ”Open Configuration”


7. On the next screen you’ll see the configuration steps, so let’s see each of them in detail.



  • Note: If you make any changes, such as deletion, change, extension you can always check whether the performed action didn't make the booklet inconsistent. To do so, just click on the button “Check”. In case there's any inconsistency, you can quickly correct them based on the error message.
  • Tab General: Here you can enter the general details of the specialized review booklet, like name and description.


  • Tab Analytical Queries: In this page, you can decide which analytical query you'd like to include in your specialized review booklet. Let’s take an example and assume you'd like to see only the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow relevant items, so let’s delete all the others.
    • To do you, you need to go first to the tab “Business Pages” and delete all pages that were referenced by the Analytical Query. for example: Profit & Loss (Function of Expense) -> Business page to be deleted: Profit & Loss (Function of Expense) -> Select this line and click on “Delete”.
    • Note: If you delete the unnecessary analytical queries and the related business pages, you need to make sure there are no remaining entries on the tab “Navigation”. You need to delete the references from this tab too. If there's any data provider with an empty name, it’s a good sign that the underlying analytical query was already deleted. So, you need to remove this one as well.
    • Tip: You can further customize the analytical queries by choosing which columns, rows, and standard filters you would like to see by default. See the details here.


  • Tab Business Pages: Regardless of the delete function you have the opportunity to further enhance which pages you would like to make as visible and default. Also, you can add new page groups.


  • Tab Variables: In this section, you can customize which variables you would like to set as default parameters and decide whether such parameters will be visible, hidden, or visible in adapt filters. You're able to maintain variables on a booklet and page level as well.


  • Tab Groups: You can select variable groups and groupings of column sets and row sets for the multi-combo boxes on the business pages. You can also add filter dimensions and further entries.


  • Tab Formatting: If you would like to influence how the decoration lines will appear you can achieve it by using the predefined semantic styles.


  • Tab Navigation: Here you can define the navigation targets on booklet, data provider, and field level. As mentioned earlier, this tab have to be also adjusted if you may delete any analytical queries or business pages.


  • Would you like to see more about these configuration steps? Check out the details on the SAP Help.

8. Once you finished your customizings describes in step 7 you can have a final check on your report to make sure the everything is consistent. Click on “Check” and if there are no errors you can continue with the button “Save Final”.

9. You're now about to leave the configuration and continue with the creation of the application.


10. You need to define the name of your tile and a short description. The definition of the semantic object is also required to make sure that you can find this specialized application when you search it. Hint: You can use the same semantic object as it was defined for the standard Group Financial Statement Review Booklet (ConsolidationFinStatement). If you're done, you can continue with “Save and Publish”.


11. As a next step you need to create a business catalog to your booklet. It's needed to assign it to targeted users and all users who are assigned to the selected business catalog will be able to see and run this booklet.


12. Now, you're ready to publish your specialized review booklet by selecting the “Publish” button. It usually takes some time (10–15 minutes) once the status will be “published” but after that your specialized review booklet is ready to use.


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