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Using XCO, how do I get a list of sub packages for a given package?

0 Kudos

I am attempting to use XCO classes to get a list of sub packages for a given package. I have working code to retrieve other things from a package (such as Data Definitions), but the comparable coding for packages is not behaving the same way. See the example coding here:

    DATA(lo_package) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>package->for( 'ZMD_LOCAL' ).

    DATA(lo_entities_name)   = xco_cp_abap_sql=>constraint->contains_pattern( 'ZMD_I_%' ).
    DATA(lo_entities_filter) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>object_name->get_filter( lo_entities_name ).
    DATA(lo_entities)        = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->ddls->where( it_filters = VALUE #( ( lo_entities_filter ) ) ).
    DATA(lt_entities)        = lo_entities->in( lo_package )->get( ).
" at this point, lt_entities has the correct content

    DATA(lo_packages_name)   = xco_cp_abap_sql=>constraint->contains_pattern( 'ZMD%' ).
    DATA(lo_packages_filter) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>object_name->get_filter( lo_packages_name ).
    DATA(lo_packages)        = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->devc->where( it_filters = VALUE #( ( lo_packages_filter ) ) ).
    DATA(lt_packages)        = lo_packages->in( lo_package )->get( ).
" same logic, but lt_packages only contains one entry for the superpackage that was provided above, ZMD_LOCAL instead of an entry for each of its subpackages

Any hints on how to go about getting the sub packages?

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0 Kudos

Just tried with ABAP 7.58, no way.

Even by looking at all XCO code, no query on TDEVC-PARENTCL to get the sub-packages.

The only possibility is to read the definition of ALL packages, collect the names of their parent packages, and only then you can determine the sub-packages of one package.

Good luck! 😄

PS: of course, I'm talking about using XCO only (mandatory with ABAP Cloud/public cloud). For on-premises and private cloud, you may still access directly the table TDEVC to easily find the sub-packages.

0 Kudos
Thanks for checking it out!

Answers (1)

Answers (1)


If you want a working example based on Sandra's comment, here it is:

    DATA(lo_packages_name)   = xco_cp_abap_sql=>constraint->contains_pattern( 'ZMD%' ).
    DATA(lo_packages_filter) = xco_cp_abap_repository=>object_name->get_filter( lo_packages_name ).
    DATA(lo_packages)        = xco_cp_abap_repository=>objects->devc->where( it_filters = VALUE #( ( lo_packages_filter ) ) ).
    DATA(lt_packages)        = lo_packages->in( xco_cp_abap=>repository )->get( ).

    LOOP AT lt_packages INTO DATA(lo_package).
      IF lo_package->read( )-property-super_package->if_xco_ar_object~name->value <> 'ZMD_LOCAL'.
        DELETE lt_packages.