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SAP Disclosure Management (stack 2100) - questions about iXBRL Preview size

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Dear SAP Experts,

I would like to understand the following behaviour of SAP DM's iXBRL generator (stack 2100):

1) A preview of a whole document iXBRL has a great larger size of the sum of all parts of the same document; e.g. I deactivated chapters in order to produce five smaller documents (the sum of them is the the whole document and they do not overlap), then I summed the size of every preview and I found it is around 50% of the preview size of the unique whole document. This is strange: I expected that the sum of them would be similar to the unique document one.

2) Suddendly the size of the preview incresed a lot (from 100 MB to 200 MB). If I restore the previous versions of taxononies and all word chapters, the size is still the same. Apart from taxonomy, change in tags, text or setting parameters, which other factors may influence the size of the preview? At the same time the xhtml document (in iXBRL package) increase just a few (less than 10%).

Thanks a lot,

Andrea Migliore

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Can you set "embed pictures' to No and re-test



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Andrea,

I have been looking at a similar issue.

Can you check the preview file (with Notepad++), the section that is added by the preview plugin, i.e. the part after <!--BEGIN IXBRL VIEWER EXTENSIONS-->


Do you see encoding of images here?

For example, 

 "v": "\u003Cspan class=\"dmspan dmtext001\" style=\"font-size:10pt; color:#000f64; left:0pt; top:0pt; line-height:11.33pt;\"\u003E8 \u003C/span\u003E\u003Cdiv class=\"dmdiv\"\u003E\u003Cimg alt=\"[IMAGE]\" class=\"dmimg\" src=\"data&colon;image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAClAAAANgCAYAAABZLLcZAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAMsAAADLAAShkWtsAAP+...


If your header (in Word) contains images (e.g. a logo) and the mapped text blocks contain this image, it seems that the Workiva preview plugin is encoding that image multiple times.

As one such encoding can be 500 kB, this can quickly lead to an additional number of Mb



0 Kudos
Hello Marc,
0 Kudos
Hello Marc, yes there are some images in the document and in the section you speaked about. It seems that are not images in header of footer, notwithstanding. In case, how it is possible to solve this problem and to reduce the size of the preview? Thanks a lot. Andrea