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Comparing XML Payloads in SAP CPI

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How to compare the two incoming xml payload's from databases and finding the difference between the payloads in sap cpi?

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This is just for inspiration. I didnt tested this code, but it give you the idea how to do it.

import groovy.util.XmlSlurper
import groovy.util.slurpersupport.GPathResult

def Message processData(Message message) {
    // Retrieve XML strings from properties
    def xmlString1 = message.getProperty("property1")
    def xmlString2 = message.getProperty("property2")

    // Parse the XML strings
    def xml1 = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlString1)
    def xml2 = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xmlString2)

    // Compare the XMLs
    def differences = compareXml(xml1, xml2)

    // Add differences to the message or return them as needed
    message.setProperty("differences", differences)

    return message

def compareXml(GPathResult xml1, GPathResult xml2) {
    def differences = []

    // Compare children of the root element
    compareNodes(xml1, xml2, differences)

    return differences ?: "No differences found"

def compareNodes(GPathResult node1, GPathResult node2, List differences, String path = '') {
    // Check if nodes are equal
    if ( != || node1.text() != node2.text()) {
        differences << "Difference found at path '${path}': '${}' vs '${}'"

    // Compare all children
    def children1 = node1.children()
    def children2 = node2.children()

    int max = Math.max(children1.size(), children2.size())
    for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
        def child1 = children1[i]
        def child2 = children2[i]
        if (child1 && child2) {
            compareNodes(child1, child2, differences, path + '/' +
        } else {
            differences << "Mismatch in children at path '${path}': Missing element"
0 Kudos

Thank you Balko