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Cloud Foundry Runtime - standard plan not available


Hi all,

we have a global account with PAYG and Cloud Foundry Environment (free) entitlement already assigned to a directory/subaccount (Multi-Environment/AWS - Europe/Frankfurt). Now I want to upgrade this subaccount to the standard plan and use the free plan for a different subaccount (Multi-Environment/Azure - Europe/Netherlands). From my general understanding this should be no problem using the upgrade option, if both entitlements are set for the first subaccount. Afterwards the then available free plan quota should allow to assign it to the second subaccount.

My problem is: I cannot even add the standard plan as entitlement to any directory/subaccount because it is simply not available in the entitlements list:

I checked the subaccount regions and availability of the service in discovery center and I should be able to assign the standard as well as the free plan to any of them. However, I cannot.

Do you have any idea where to look or what I might have missed? If not, I guess, I need to report it to support.
I just wanted to make sure, it's not my fault, first 😉

Thanks a lot for any hints and suggestions!
Best regards, Roland

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Hi Roland,

please try the following:

I also don't see the "standard" in my entitlements. But if I go from the Subaccount homepage to "Manage environment instance"

And click there on "Update"

I get this dialog:

And it seems that I'm able to switch to the standard Plan. I will not do it as I don't want to get charged for it now :-).



Thank you, Gregor!

It is showing me the option to update to standard plan there as well. I did not check it because without the entitlement I did not even consider to have this option available 😉

So the standard plan seems to be present for subaccounts in general. Not seeing it in the entitlements is kind of inconsistent, from my point of view though. It also does not allow restricting a subaccount to the free plan in the same way (at all) as for other entitlements.

However, this answered my question.

Thanks and best regards,

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Dear Gregor,

I have a similar situation, we can change the plan at the subaccount level but cannot increase the Org quota since org quota is available with free plan that is then passed on the subaccounts.

How can we increase the org. quota or change the entitlement at the Org level to use standard plan of CF instead of free?



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Is this still the case? I have the same situation as Roland in an PAYG global account. I have a subaccount with a free plan of cloud foundry runtime and would like to create another subaccount with an standard plan.