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How to prevent ChaRM from using TRUSTED connections to import transport requests

Dear Community,

I would like to ask if there's a way to have ChaRM directly use the TMW RFC connections instead of first trying the TRUSTED RFC connections. The point is that it is often failing for us, as you can see in the screenshot below, and we can't really fix the authorizations on this. We want to do monitoring when the import *really* fails, and these authorization issues are just noise for us.

Thank you,

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Hello b.esperanca,

As far as I know and explored, by default TRUSTED RFC will be used in ChaRM and if you want to fix the authorization issue that happens while using TRUSTED RFC, try to assign the users of such a trusted RFC connection must have authorization for the authorization object S_RFCACL, with the value Y in the authorization field RFC_EQUSER, and the field RFC_USER empty or with the dummy value ‘ (= inverted comma).

Check below SAP links and notes for more information

1756014 - Harmonizing RFC communication infrastructure for ChaRM Check - SAP ONE Support Launchpad

1703391 - General note for managed systems in Change Management - SAP ONE Support Launchpad

SAP Solution Manager and Trusted RFC | SAP Help Portal

I hope this answer provides some clarity to your problem. If so, kindly mark my answer as correct / helpful.



0 Kudos

Thanks for that Vignesh.

It's not practical for us to maintain the user authorizations, for this particular situation. It seems that SAP already expected some trouble here, so much that it has a workaround out of the box - using the TMW as a fallback connection. What we would like to do, is to use the fallback connection all the time.

Would you know if this is possible?


0 Kudos

Hi Bruno,

We have been struggling with this in the past as well. Back then a colleague of mine created a model which helped to get a better understanding. Maybe it can benefit you as well.

Also have a look at sap note 1908411 - Harmonizing RFC communication infrastructure: how it works.

BR Dino