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With every release, there are important features and changes to the user experience that both Employee Central administrators and employees will need to be aware of. For the 2H 2022 release, we have consolidated a list of features that are “Must Know” items for Employee Central Core, Time Off, and Global Benefits. All of the features listed below will also include links to related information that will provide additional details regarding that specific feature.

Please also review other release related information at SAP SuccessFactors Release Information as well as specific features coming in the 2H 2022 Release in the What’s New Viewer.

A compiled list of guide changes for Employee Central in 2H 2022 is also available for review.


Centralized Services

Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Universal Support for Centralized Services Entities ECT-197772 Universal

We have introduced universal support for some of the Centralized Services entities. These entities are no longer governed by the configuration option:

Universal Entities


Global Assignment Imports Centralized services now universally support Global Assignments data imports in Incremental Load mode and in Full Purge mode.
Global Information Editing UI Save Centralized services now universally support saving changes on the Editing UI for Global Information.
Personal Information Editing UI Save Centralized services now universally support saving changes on the Editing UI for Personal Information.
Job Relationship History UI Save Centralized services now universally support saving changes on the History UI of Job Relationships.
Job Information History UI Save Centralized services now universally support saving changes on the History UI of Job Information.
Address Editing UI Save Centralized services now universally support saving changes on the Editing UI for Address.
National ID Editing UI Save Centralized services now universally support saving changes on the Editing UI for National ID.

With this enhancement, you have access to the supported Centralized Services entities by default.

We would like to highlight the following key points regarding Universal features in this release:

  • Job Information History UI Save:

    • Updating the Hire Date is no longer possible in the Job History UI, however we have enhanced the Hire Date Correction tool to allow for more flexibility (see Hire Date Correction section further down in this blog for more details)

    • The data validation check for the Job History's oldest record should always be a Hire Event record, otherwise no further changes can be made to an employee's Job History.

  • Job Information Imports: This feature was made Universal in 1H 2022, however now we've added an enhancement in this release to allow custom entry date values.

  • Job Information History UI & Job Information Imports: From this release, we do not support the creation of Leave of Absence (LOA) and Return to Work record Events. Customers will need to use Employee Central Time Off for LOA instead. Please review KBAs 3228287 & 3205591 for more details.

Related Information:


Centralized Services

Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type Related Information
Centralized Services Support Integrations with Employee Central Compensation ECT-194595

Admin Opt-out (Preview)

Update:   Admin Opt-in (Production)
What’s New Viewer Link
Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on History UI of Compensation Information and Recurring Pay Components ECT-166844 Admin Opt-out

What’s New Viewer Link

Data Validation for Compensation Information and Recurring Pay Components (MSS and History UI)

Forward Propagation in Employee Central Compensation Information
Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on the UI of Non-Recurring Pay Component Information ECT-193885 Admin Opt-out What’s New Viewer Link
Centralized Services Support Non-Recurring Pay Component Imports ECT-205797 Admin Opt-out

What’s New Viewer Link

Centralized Services for Employee Data Imports

Non-Recurring Pay Component Imports

Non-Recurring Pay Components
Centralized Services Support Manager Self-Service Changes to Compensation Information ECT-194534

Admin Opt-out (Preview)

Update: Delayed for Production

What’s New Viewer Link

Rule Handling with Manager Self-Service

Last Updated by Source Details in History UIs
Centralized Services Support Manager Self-Service Changes to Job Information and Job Relationships ECT-192712

Admin Opt-out (Preview)

Update: Delayed for Production

What’s New Viewer Link

Data Validation for Job Information (MSS and History UI)

Entry Dates, Event-Based Dates, and Time-In Calculation for Job Information
Centralized Services Support Manager Self-Service Changes to Termination Information ECT-184659 Admin Opt-out

What’s New Viewer Link

Triggering Workflows with Business Rules
Centralized Services Support Termination Details Imports ECT-163307 Admin Opt-out

What’s New Viewer Link

Termination Details Imports

Follow-Up Processes After Termination Details Import
Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on Editing UI of Employment Details ECT-184660 Admin Opt-out

What’s New Viewer Link

Cross-Entity Rules with Centralized Services
Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on Editing UI of Employment Details for a Higher Duty or Temporary Assignment ECT-196503 Admin Opt-out What’s New Viewer Link
Centralized Services Support for Internal Hire in the Manage Pending Hires Tool ECT-194359

Admin Opt-out (Preview)

Update: Delayed for Production

What’s New Viewer Link

Using Manage Pending Hires Tool
Centralized Services Support Emergency Contacts ECT-147143 Admin Opt-out

What’s New Viewer Link

Emergency Contact Information Imports
Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on Editing UI of Contact Information ECT-192329 Admin Opt-out

What’s New Viewer Link

Using the Check Tool to Solve Issues
Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on Editing UI of Global Assignments ECT-195717 Admin Opt-out What’s New Viewer Link

Centralized services in Employee Central improves consistency in system behavior across UIs, imports, and APIs, as well as data validations from enhanced error message handling, which leads to better product quality and user experience.

With employee data imports, Centralized services work together to enable different HRIS entities to support functions like business rules, forward data propagation, identical record suppression, and more. With the Save action of selected History UIs, Centralized services enhances features like employee data deletion, forward propagation, and identical record suppression.

In addition, we want to call attention to the following key points for Admin Opt-out features in the list above:

  • Centralized Services Support Emergency Contacts: Business key validations to include Name and Relationship fields as required and unique, as well as error message improvements. Please review the following blog for further details: Emergency Contact Business Key Validation in Second Half 2022 - Get your Data Ready Now

  • Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on Editing UI of Contact Information: For social accounts information, Business key validations will include Domain fields as required and unique, as well as error message improvements. Please review the following blog for further details: Social Accounts Business Key Validation in Second Half 2022 - Get your Data Ready Now

  • Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on History UI of Compensation Information and Recurring Pay Components: Improved validations, and business rule handling, please review the following blog for further details: Compensation Rule Behavior Change when Changing Recurring Pay Components

  • Centralized Services Support Non-Recurring Pay Component Imports: The following improvements and validations were added:

    • In Full Purge mode, the sequence number is generated automatically when it is enabled and doesn't exist in the import record.

    • If an import file contains identical records with the sequence number enabled and the attribute 'Allow-import = no', both records are imported with sequence numbers that are automatically generated.

    • A Non-Recurring Pay Component record is imported only if a user's Job Information record exists.

  • Centralized Services Support Saving Changes on the UI of Non-Recurring Pay Component Information: Improved validations and consistency in behavior

      • Award Spot Bonus (MSS) - The Add Spot Bonus button has been removed and you can create only one record now, so you can only trigger one workflow to add a spot bonus or one-time payment.

  • Centralized Services Support Termination Details Imports: Improved data validations, improved Workflow trigger & approval, improvements to Business Rules.

  • Centralized Services Support Manager Self-Service Changes to Compensation Information, Job Information, and Job Relationships: The following improvements were made:

    • Workflow support for custom user-based MDF objects created by onSave Business Rules for Job Information

    • Last Updated by Source saved in the system, but only visible in the History UI

    • Changes to Entry Date Calculation

    • Workflow Derivation using Business Rules

Update - Please Note: This feature will be delayed in the Production Release, however customer's can still test this as an Admin Opt-out feature in Preview instances. Please refer to KBA 3280009 - Centralized Services Important Changes - 2H 2022 Production Release

Please review the Admin Opt-out features listed in the table above as well as additional information featured in the Employee Central Centralized Services in Second Half 2022 (2H 2022) Release – Innovation Alert blog.

Related Information:


Hire Date Correction
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type Related Information
Hire Date Correction No Longer Allowed in Job Information History UI ECT-204070 Universal What’s New Viewer Link
Enhancements to the Hire Date Correction Tool ECT-184843 Universal What’s New Viewer Link

The system no longer allows you to change the hire date of a user in the Job Information History UI. You can however still change a rehire date for a user rehired with their old employment record. Hire date changes can be done using the Hire Date Correction tool, which has been enhanced this release.

Previously, it was necessary to change past and present hire dates in the Job Information History UI. You must now use the Hire Date Correction tool to update the hire date of a user in the following scenarios:

  • Changing past and present dated hire dates to the future, to today, or into the past

  • For Onboarding new hires (once they have passed the Pending Hire stage in the Manage Pending Hires tool)

  • For users with concurrent employment

  • Target population permissions can be applied to restrict the creation of hire date corrections for users within this target population

Related Information:


Schedule Job Manager
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type Related Information
Manage Jobs in Scheduled Job Manager PLS-334 Universal What’s New Viewer Link
More job types are now available on the Job Monitor tab in the Scheduled Job Manager tool PLS-31045 Universal What’s New Viewer Link
Deprecation of Monitor Jobs tool ECT-199922 Universal What’s New Viewer Link

You can now manage scheduled jobs on the Job Scheduler tab in the Scheduled Job Manager tool, for supported job types. You can use the Job Scheduler tab (previously called Scheduled Job Requests) to complete the following actions:

  • Create a scheduled job request (to define which job type you want to run, on what schedule, and who receives email notifications about it).

  • Submit a scheduled job request (so that the job runs at the next scheduled time).

  • Run a job immediately (without waiting for the next scheduled time).

  • Edit an existing scheduled job request (such as changing the recurrence or owner).

  • Cancel a scheduled job request (so that the job is still set up but doesn't run anymore).

  • Delete a scheduled job request (to remove it completely from the system).

For each supported job type, the available actions vary. For example, for some job types you can only schedule a job request, but you can't run the job immediately. For others, you can run it immediately, but only after it's first been set up in Provisioning. Check the Actions menu for a specific job request to see which actions are available.

Also, more job types are now available on the Job Monitor tab within the Scheduled Job Manager tool. You can use the Job Monitor tab (previously called Scheduled Jobs) to monitor the progress and check the results of scheduled job requests, for supported job types. We’ve added the following Employee Central job types to the Job Monitor:

  • Create or Update Benefit Enrollments for Employee Master Data Changes

  • Evaluate Offer for Affordable Care Act Reporting

  • MDF Mass Change Run

  • Position Management Daily Hierarchy Adaptation

  • Migrate General Display Name

Please Note: More job types will be added over time. To see a full list of supported job types, go to Scheduled Job Manager > Job Monitor and open the Job Type menu. Job types that are not available in Schedule Job Manager can still be monitored in Provisioning or in legacy tools like Monitor Jobs.

The Monitor Jobs tool will reach end of maintenance on December 09, 2022 and will be deleted on May 19, 2023. Also, the Scheduled Jobs Purge job of BIZXDAILYRULESBATCH, which is a dependent processor on Monitor Jobs will be part of this deprecation.

Related Information:


General Display Name
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
General Display Name ECT-176085 Admin Opt-in

You can now configure employee names that can be displayed consistently across SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite. A new admin option, Enable Adoption of General Display Name, is added to control it. You can see this option under Admin Center > Company System and Logo Settings. The new capability provides both consistency and flexibility to managing display names. With the new capability, employees' chosen names are displayed in all interactions where a legal name isn’t required, while administrators and HRBPs can also access a person’s legal name whenever needed.

  • For customers who have enabled Employee Central, before adopting the General Display Name, configure a name format you prefer using either Legal Entity or People Profile. General Display Name can be configured per legal entity, which means, as an administrator, you can configure name formats that meet the business needs and keep with the best practices of each legal entity.

  • For customers who haven't enabled Employee Central, after you enable the Enable adoption of General Display Name option, you can import General Display Name using Employee Import.

Related Information:


Admin Alerts
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Enhancements to Alerts for HR Data Issues ECT-126319 Universal

We have updated the Job Information Issues Alert to check for further potential issues with associations, field criteria, picklist entries, and mandatory field changes.

Fewer data inconsistencies help solve potential issues before they can become bigger issues. The system now checks for the following:

  • Mandatory fields aren’t empty

  • Picklist fields must have a valid picklist value (meaning that the system checks that the picklist value is active and/or exists)

  • Cascading picklist fields must have a valid combination of parent and child picklist values

  • Foundation Object/Generic Object fields must have a valid value (meaning that the object is active and/or exists)

  • Associated Foundation Object/Generic Object fields whose values are actually associated

Please Note: The job frequency for HR Data Issues - Job Information Issues alert types can't be changed. The default is now "none", which means that administrators have to actively select Rerun to see the latest alerts. To ensure that you have the latest alert texts, we recommend that you run the HRDataIssuesIssueTypeIsUpToDateCheck check tool check.

These changes help improve the data quality and consistency as well as to reduce the administration costs.

Related Information:


Check Tool
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Major Changes to the Check Tool TLS-23495 Universal
Check Tool for Duplicate Dependent Records ECT-194864 Universal
Check Tool: Implement Quick Fix to Delete Unused Relationships ECT-198087 Universal
Check Tool: Implement Quick Fix to Correct Start Dates and End Dates for Pay Components and Pay Component Groups ECT-198086 Universal
Check Tool for Event Reason derivation and Workflow derivation rule scenario ECT-198032 Universal
Check Tool for Empty Domain Social Accounts Information Records ECT-198263 Universal

The user interface (UI) for the check tool has undergone a major change. In addition, we added migration checks. The checks are now grouped on tabs according to the check type they belong to. Each check type follows a specific purpose:

  • System Health: Checks that run periodically in the system and that require no input parameters.

  • Validation: Checks that need one or more input parameters to run, for example, a specific template, user, or time frame.

  • Migration: Checks that migrate features.

The following are some of the EC related Check Tool checks that have been added or enhanced in this release:

  • Check Tool for Duplicate Dependent Records: A dependent should not have overlapping records of relationship information, personal information, global information, or home address. The check, DependentNoOverlappingTimeSlice, searches for records with overlapping time slices and lists relevant information that helps you find them in the system.

  • Check Tool - Implement Quick Fix to Delete Unused Relationships: This check, ObjectRelationsFOCheck, identifies the foundation object associations where the source foundation record is missing in the foundation table. This check was available in previous releases, however it has now been enhanced to check for Pay Component Groups and Pay Components FOs as well.

  • Check Tool - Implement Quick Fix to Correct Start Dates and End Dates for Pay Components and Pay Component Groups: This check, InvalidEffectiveEndDate, searches for effective start date records that are after the effective end dated records. This check was available in previous releases, however this has been enhanced to also fix Pay Component Groups and Pay Components start and end dates issues.

  • Check Tool for Event Reason derivation and Workflow derivation rule scenario: There have been two checks added in this feature to check if Event Reason derivation rules or Workflow trigger rules were created under the Basic rule scenario:

    • EventReasonDerivationNoBasicRules - Rules for event-reason derivation should be migrated from Basic to the suggested application-specific rule scenario. Application-specific rule scenarios provide more guardrails as to how to configure the rule correctly, and can thus help reduce potential errors.

    • WorkflowsNoBasicRules - Rules for workflows should be migrated from Basic to the suggested application-specific rule scenario. Application-specific rule scenarios provide more guardrails as to how to configure the rule correctly, and can thus help reduce potential errors.

  • Check Tool for Empty Domain Social Accounts Information Records: Social Accounts must have valid business keys. This check, SocialAccountsNoEmptyBusinessKeys, searches for social accounts with empty business keys and lists the relevant information that helps you find them in the system

Please Note: There's an initial run of new checks at the beginning of a new release. We recommend that you open the check tool after the upgrade weekend to check for any new errors or warnings.

Related Information:


Manage Business Configuration
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
HRIS Actions from the Business Configuration UI is Deleted ECT-186891 Universal

Most of the HRIS Actions from Business Configuration UI (BCUI) that are currently not used in configuration of the People Profile will be deleted on December 09, 2022.

Please Note: The HRIS Actions hireAction, reHireAction, and terminateAction are not deleted from the HRIS Actions section as these actions are still used by our customers. You can continue to configure these HRIS Actions from BCUI.

Related Information:


Work Permit
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Issue Date Now Included in Business Key for Work Permit ECT-188275 Admin Opt-out

The issue date of a work permit is now used with other existing fields to generate a business key that uniquely identifies the work permit.

Previously, a work permit business key consisted of four fields: Country, Document Type, Document Number, and User ID. Including the issue date field in the business key allows users to keep multiple work permits that have the same Country, Document Type, Document Number, and User ID values but different issue dates. For example, after users renew their work permits and have new issue dates, the renewed documents will coexist with expired ones in the system. Validation based on the new combination of fields is supported for editing on UI, imports, and OData or CompoundEmployee API calls. Meanwhile, you can continue to use the two checks, WPWithDuplicateBusinessKeys and WPWithEmptyBusinessKeys, in Check Tool to find invalid work permit records.

Please Note: To avoid disruption to your business, we recommend that you adopt this feature as soon as possible. You won’t be able to opt out of it after our universal push. For more details on the feature and our plans for universal push, refer to the community blog linked below.

Related Information:


Effective Date Behavior Change in UI
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Empty Effective Date Field by Default in Personal Information, Addresses, and Dependents Blocks WEF-26728 Universal

On the Editing UI of People Profile blocks for effective-dated person entities Personal Information, Addresses, and Dependents, the date input field for the effective date is now empty by default and users are required to enter a date before updating the information. Previously, the default effective date on the Editing UI was set to the current date.

This enhancement was made to help ensure that users manually enter the exact effective date, which is usually not the current date. For example, when users add a child as a dependent for an employee, the effective date is usually the date of the birth of the child.

Related Information:


Global Benefits
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Replacement of Benefits Auto Enrollment Job with New Tracker-based Jobs KM-14239 Universal

The Benefits Auto Enrollment Job analyzes all employee records with each run, even those records where there are no changes based on the eligibility rule. This approach slows down jobs, affecting the performance with respect to time. Occasionally, the job can also fail due to memory consumption issues if the volume of data to be processed is very high. To improve performance, two new jobs have been introduced to replace the Benefits Auto Enrollment Job.

The Benefits Auto Enrollment Job is replaced by Create or Update Benefit Enrollments for Benefit Master Data Changes and Create or Update Benefit Enrollments for Employee Master Data Changes jobs.

Please Note: We recommend that you use the new tracker-based jobs instead of the Benefits Auto Enrollment Job from 1H 2022. After May 19, 2023, Benefits Auto Enrollment Job will be deleted, and you will not be able to use the job for any automatic enrollment changes. So, by May 19, 2023, you must set up the Create or Update Benefit Enrollments for Benefit Master Data Changes and Create or Update Benefit Enrollments for Employee Master Data Changes jobs.

Related Information:


Global Benefits
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Automatic Updates to Insurance Enrollment due to Dependent Eligibility Changes BEN-9926 Admin Opt-in

We now support automatic updates to the enrollment status of the dependents enrolled for insurance benefit when there is a change in their eligibility.

For example, let us assume a child dependent is eligible for the insurance benefit only until the age of 21. After the dependent attains the age of 21, the dependent should be marked as not eligible. With this enhancement, the dependent is automatically marked as not eligible for the insurance without any manual updates to the enrollment. The new SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) story SF_BEN_ Dependents Ineligible (Aged out) for Insurance Benefits_v1.0 provides details about enrolled dependents who are becoming ineligible for insurance benefit.

The feature was developed to support the customer's requirements for identifying and marking non-eligible dependents in an enrollment automatically without the need for manual deletion of enrolled dependents.

Related Information:


Time Off
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Download the Calendar File in an Employee Self-Service Scenario for Time Off TIM-13429 Admin Opt-in

Employees can now download the calendar file on submission of a leave request. As part of the employee self-service scenario, you can submit a leave request using the following screens:

  • Request Time Off card from Quick Actions on the latest home page.

  • Time Off

  • New Time Sheet UI

After submitting your leave request, you can now download the calendar file in ICS format. Open this calendar file in your respective calendar application and save it to block your calendar. After you save the calendar file, if your time-off isn’t approved, you’ve to manually delete this event from your calendar. If you modify your leave request, delete the earlier saved calendar, and replace it with the latest calendar that you've downloaded.

Related Information:


Business Rule Scenarios
Feature Name Reference Number Configuration Type
Manual Mass Change of Basic Rules to Application-Specific Scenarios TLS-25119 Universal

You can now change Basic rules to application-specific rule scenarios for several rules at once. This is now possible for rules that can be converted to application-specific scenarios of the following modules:

Time Off: Rules

  • All rules that use the object Time Account Type are assigned to an application-specific rule scenario. (TimeAccountTypeNoBasicRules)

  • All rules that use the object Time Type are assigned to an application-specific rule scenario. (TimeTypeNoBasicRule)

Please Note: As in the previous release, a warning is raised whenever you try assigning a new basic rule scenario to Accrual rule, Hire Rule, Interim Update Rule, Period-End-Processing Rule, and Take Rules. The current warning message will be converted into an error in a future release.

Employee Central Core: Rules

  • All rules for workflows are assigned to an application-specific rule scenario. (WorkflowsNoBasicRules)

  • All rules for event-reason derivation are assigned to an application-specific rule scenario. (EventReasonDerivationNoBasicRules)

Related Information:


Thanks for the blog. I'm most excited about the enhancements to the hire date correction tool. This tool was pretty limited in value before but will now be a huge benefit to EC admins.


0 Kudos
Hi andrew.kuhn

Is it mentioned in the release notes that with the Deprecation of Monitor Jobs Tool, the Scheduled Jobs Purge job of BIZXDAILYRULESBATCH, which is a dependent processor on Monitor Jobs will also be deprecated? Can you please throw some light on how this job is impacted by monitor jobs tool.

