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Convert Internal to External Format for WBS element in Calculation View

0 Kudos

Hello Gurus,

I am creating SAP HANA calulation views and displaying the results in Analysis for office.

For my report I need to convert WBS element to external format. In calulation view the data is comming in internal format( Obviously).

anybody know how to convert this into external format.

I saw there is a conversion option in sematic layer, but since there is no default function available, i dont know how to proceed. Also if i write my own i think it will be hell of work to convert routine" ABPSN" to SQL.

Please suggest.

I am on SPS 11.



0 Kudos

HI, and answer on your question ? I need to do the same.

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I solved my issue.
Now I understand why there is no answer to the original question.
It wasn't really an issue. It was more a conceptual misunderstanding, as I am new to Hana Modeler.
This issue with WBS internal and external key can easily be solved by adding a join with WBS table PRPS in the calculation view.
Make a join using VBAP-PS_PSP_PNR with PRPS-PSPNR (both WBS internal key) and add PRPS-POSID (WBS external key) to the output.
Issue solved!

0 Kudos

I have exactly the same question.
I receive PS_PSP_PNR from VBAP (WBS internal ID, numc8)
and I would like to convert it to /ERP/WBSELMT which uses WBS external ID (char24).

How did you solve this?

Thank you.