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How do you like new SAP Community pages (Blogs) look & feel?

Active Participant

It's been several months now...

I am sure there are many compelling (technical?) reason for moving SAP Community pages (Blogs) into new engine and new look & feel... Still, somehow I do find old version visually more compelling and easer to read... 

But it's is my view only... 



slower and more confusing, at least for me.

Active Contributor

I share @greg_not_so view - new community home is less clear to me. Now, blogs, events, Q&A are all on one platform and hard to tell one from another. I really enjoyed the old blogging platform based on the proven WordPress backbone.

Search criteria are very limited, for instance try to find a community event by a city. That's not possible.

I'm still to find a way to delete an answer or a comment.

There is only one line high window for a new comment. So if I want to post a longer comment, I am forced to post a comment first and then to edit it. Only in the edit mode, the full editor is available.

The list goes on.

Maybe these are just teething pains, but I have feeling we have traded something good for something new.

Thanks for sharing...

Somehow, the "old" one, it was easer to work with, and it simply looked better (its subjective, though) - in brief this is how I see it... Yes, I hope "new" will improve, but not sure, as "new" community has been working in parallel for some time, and I see no major changes yet...

Hi @DominikTylczyn to enlarge the comment window, have you tried to extend the window with the little triangle at the lower right corner? That was the same feature in wordpress in former


I also think the search is much better. When I search for Stammtisch a lot of results show up or even when I simply search for a city, there are great results (2nd screenshot):



You can fine tune with choosing "user", "places" and "SAP managed tags".

Not sure why it is not working for you though.

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0 Kudos

Hi @sveabecker 

The comment on a question is initially limited to one line only and there is not way to enlarge it. Also there are not edit options:


Only once a comment is posted, I can edit it and get large window with all edit options.


Regarding events filtering - there is no way to filter events by locations in the events list, only by event status and labels:






Okay, got it - you referred to Q&A. That's true, I see also only this smaller one line window. And in regards to filter, it's true as well. You were firstly referring to "search" - I think, the search is great. Filter option is missing though. Maybe you try "search" instead.

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I've sent a private message to community managers asking about a possibility to formally collect improvement proposals. Let's get from complaining to improving. 

I'll keep you posted once I get a response from them.

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

All feedback and commentary is being collected, and looked at. Until we have concrete plans though we don't want to just say "we are working on it" we also want to ensure we change what needs to be changed and not just give people a chance to see how the new platform works.  Change is there and there are some things like the filtering that are absolutely being worked on whereas some other things are simply different than what they used to be. A complete UI/UX work up is being put together and will hopefully be available soon for feedback and testing like we did prior to the migration for those who participated.

0 Kudos

Hello @craigcmehil 

Is there a more formal process e.g. a thread or a discussion where feedback and improvement proposals are collected?

Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Not at this time, as you can probably imagine we have feedback coming from multiple different segments of the audience and instead of asking everyone to go to one particular place that we have to setup we are currently working with whatever way people send it to us from threads here to emails, to private messages as well as via the SAP Champions  and our own internal channels for those focused on the Community.

A more formal way will be coming but it will need to come with the next round of UI/UX changes which are also required for the new EU laws being implemented around accessibility. Just as several other areas we have had to focus on are related to the EU DSA laws.

0 Kudos

Hello Craig,

do i need to be a champion to kudo articles? my current profile doesn't seem to allow my kudoing anyone.



Community Administrator
Community Administrator

Kudo is available to all members.

it was a setting. thank you and kudoed.

Active Contributor

Hello @stevang @sveabecker I have already gave feedback to the new editor, which let me feel like going back at least two decades in basic functionality. I can remember several initiatives for the former functionality which obviously went south the whole time.
I have already started to revamp (that is the new black here ... ;-)) some of my articles, because reformatting is almost impossible, and waiting for better times is no option ...
best regards @RolandKramer SAP first-guidance
