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Tutorial ai core: Failed to post /admin/repositories: Jwt issuer is not configured

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when trying to connect to the github repo in the tutorial, I get this error

Failed to post /admin/repositories: Jwt issuer is not configured

What am I missing ?

Any help appreciated.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

I unable to reproduce the error.

  • Expected output should look like this image.

  • Alternatively you can try to onboard (register) GitHub to SAP AI Core using postman (links below):
  1. Set up Postman Collections
  2. Generate JWT token
  3. Register you GitHub

It would be helpful, if you can provide us information to reproduce the error.



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Hi Deepak,

i connect to a nrmal tenant not the trial .

Maybe I am missing something. Do I need to store the access token from a postman request somewhere ? Or is this automatically created by the AIAPIV2Client ?

I also tried from a computer not in a company environment, but still the same error.

Help appreciated.



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When I try with the postman sequence, I get the error in step 4 "Api to connect github to aicore".

It reads again "Jwt issuer is not configured"

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May this be an issue with security group config in SAP BTP?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Marcus,

The access token (from postman request) are automatically stored in the environment variable (find the same in screenshot below), whenever you call the "Get Auth token" API.

The automatic storing behaviour is due to the API collections provided in the tutorials page for SAP AI Core Postman setup.

Similarly the AI API Client SDK (python, AIAPIV2Client ) will also generate (automatically) and store token on its own.


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but its still not working.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Marcus,

Can we connect through zoom or teams, to discuss the error ?


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sure now ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Marcus,

As discussed over the call, the issue is with your instance, the way it has been provisioned by your Basis Team. It worked fine with the instance that we provided you for trial.

Please ask you Basis Team to connect with us, so that we can help them provision your instance correctly.
Alternatively, you can ask your Basis Team to refer to steps of Provisioning of SAP AI Core for creating the instance.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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[ Issue Resolved ]

Active Participant
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I am getting the same error on my free tier environment on eu10 ( AWS

postman (Jwt issuer is not configured) and AI launchpad connection both failed.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Steps to Fix

1. Delete your SAP AI Core instance from your subaccount.

2. Go to you global account.

3. Click Boosters tab from navigation pane.

4. Select the SAP AI Core Booster and follow the procedure to assign the service to your subaccount.

Reason for issue "JWT issuer not configured:

Your SAP AI Core instance was instantiated under the environment "Other environment". This often is the case when manually creating a SAP AI Core service from service marketplace (your Subaccount).

To avoid this issue, you should select environment as "Cloud Foundry" when manually creating service from service market place.

Parallel Issue:

SAP AI Launchpad throwing 401 when adding AI API connection.

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I am facing this exact same issue in our TDD account. Created and deleted multiple times. Tried Boosters. I get this error message when I try to configure AI Core in SAP AI Launchpad:


And this one when I try from Postman:


Would you have any idea what is causing this ? Should I open a ticket for this ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi abesh,

The issue with the BTP Account being created before 2019. I have observed in the past that the colleagues who faced this exact issue, solved the issues by create a new BTP account/subaccount.

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We cant create a new subaccount 😞 This is a brand new TDD instance created about 2 to 3 months back. What options do I have ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Now raise an incident ticket. Not sure thought which category.

0 Kudos

Awesome ! Thanks 🙂