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Come In!

One of my all time favorite authors/poets is Shel Silverstein.  As I was reading his poem the other evening at home, I had a stroke of poetic brilliance ( or maybe I was just really tired :smile: )

If you are an explorer, join in...

If you are an explorer, a daredevil, a mother

A father, a pilot, a spy undercover

If you're interested, come join our endeavor

For we have some exciting tales to spin

Join In, Join In!

We have been incorporating our SAP Product Support team into social media over the past year or so.  Take a look at our postings: Welcome to Twitter @SAPSupportCE  and Ever Evolving - our Journey into Social.  As we have been engaging through our social accounts, we've noticed that people aren't just looking for answers to their technical support queries.  They are also looking to connect on a more personal level.

We took that to heart, and as an addendum to our Meet SAP Support series, have started highlighting an employee in SAP Product Support each week on our Facebook page.

Haven't seen it yet?  Well here are a couple SAP Product Support employees that we have showcased.

bradley.liou likes jamming outside of work received education on her trip (SAP product knowledge and a history lesson)

yang.bai sees the world in all its beauty.

We invite you to check out our page and find out about SAP support and the people behind it.

As always, your comments and suggestions are always appreciated.  Drop me a line below, or feel free to reach out to me at

**JUST FOR FUN > Here's a question for you know where Yang was in her picture above? **

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