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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Of course, we all should care! How do we care for introverts and extroverts?

Someone told me that "extroverts talk to think, and introverts think to talk." I thought that was an interesting description and distinction between these personality types. It reminds me of the  various personalities I encounter in coaching, as well as my work with members of the SAP Community Network (SCN).

I believe the digital world, including online communities like SCN, have leveled the playing field for introverts and extroverts. No longer do extroverts have the upper hand, the first word, or the last word.  Both are given the same opportunity to express themselves in as many words or as frequently as they like, from the comforts of their own digital devices.

If you can associate the "talk to think" practice of extroverts to a "do-think-do" behaviour many exhibit, then extroverts may even be at a disadvantage in the digital world. Look at all the public apologies from Celebrity mis-Tweets, and you'll know that there are certain responsibilities and consequences, in addition to great benefits, in digital content. On SCN, I even encouraged our members to Think-Blog-Think.

Whether you're dealing with introverts or extroverts at work, home, school or social media, it's important to care for both! I found the following infographics on "How to Care for Introverts" and "How to Care for Extroverts" both entertaining and useful.

Which points resonate with you most?

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