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I was tagged by chris.paine3 in his Blog It Forward post last week. To be fair, I was on holidays so I didn't have the chance to continue the chain until now. I think it's great that people are interested in sharing more about themselves other than the geeky SAP side! You can find out more about the challenge here and track it here.

This is me on my hen's weekend about 4 years ago. The expression I'm wearing was not only for that weekend; I tend to wear it quite regularly! I got married a week after that, and I am about to celebrate my 4th wedding anniversary this October. I'm married to a man who's a robotics engineer, so I guess that makes us a very nerdy couple.


I come from Malaysia, but I am Chinese. If you ask me if I'm Malaysian or Chinese, I am actually both. My ancestry is Chinese but I was born in Malaysia, so it's like when someone is Chinese American or Chinese Australian. I'm really Chinese Malaysian.

I came to live in Australia about 10 years ago to study at university, and have stayed since. The original plan was to finish studying and go home, but I liked so much and then met an Australian guy so I guess that plan has changed. I love the laid back culture that Aussies have, and the fact that they love making fun of themselves more than anything. I think I have become quite Aussie while living here, to the point where a lot of Malaysian friends don't even consider me Malaysian anymore!

However I still love Malaysia for it's food and culture, and go back regularly to see my family, eat and shop. Malaysia is a tropical country so it's always hot and humid, even when it rains. Here's what normally happens when I'm in Malaysia.

A lot of people are surprised when they find out I'm a technical person. Perhaps it's because I don't dress or act like a really nerdy person (the stereotype that people think of). I enjoy what I do and I feel like I am a really logical person in the way I think, so I guess my job suits me. However I am also really passionate about fashion (I have a blog here) and I love music (I play the piano). I also love exercising, but mainly so I can eat. I love eating. if you need to know the good places to eat in Melbourne just give me a shout. Oh and did I mention I also love shopping? :smile:

Name the person who affected you most in your career/ way of thinking and why

It took me all of 2 seconds to think about who this person would be. john.moy3 has been, and still is the more influential person to me in my career. I first started working with John when I began work as a graduate in a consulting firm. Initially I was hired to be a functional consultant, partly because I was a graduate and partly because of my personality (how I laugh when I think of that now). Because there was not a lot of work in the team I was in, I was asked if I was interested in helping out the technical team doing some testing.

That sounded better than doing nothing to me (though I may think differently now :razz: ), so that's how I met John as he was the team lead. We started working on Ariba, and I soon found that I loved programming and technical work, and gradually progressed into SAP. John was always there to guide me if necessary, but most importantly he believed in me. He taught me that quality is worth so much more than quantity, and that taking pride in your work is one of the most important values you can have.

I went on to work with John at another company, but throughout the time I've known him, he's always mentored me and been concerned with my career as well as my personal well being. Working with John has taught me that it is better to do things right from the beginning rather than fix it later. He's also always been a huge champion of knowledge sharing between colleagues and the SAP community.  I wouldn't be where I am today without his influence.

If you could be a super hero (or are in your spare time) who would you be (are already, if that doesn't let your secret out)

Trust Chris to come up with this question! If I were to be a super hero, I would be the one that saves people from fashion disaster. I don't mean this in any mean way, but rather I would really love to save people from embarrassing themselves with the things I see sometimes. I have yet to come up with a snazzy super hero name, but I know for a fact I would wear a cape! :smile:

I'd like to Blog It Forward to these guys:



Here are some questions for you guys:

  • If you had to change career tomorrow, what would you pick?
  • What do you think are the key elements for a successful project?

Feel free to pick up other questions from moshe.naveh 's original blog - Blog It Forward Community Challenge

Blog It Forward Community Challenge

Have fun passing the joy along!!
