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At SAP TechEd LasVegas,  Natascha Thomson (@nathomson) Part of the Social Media Audience Marketing team  at SAP, was busy with her own #SocialMedia expert lounge sessions and being  patient at getting face and camera time with some of the SAP Mentors to discuss  some of their extended experiences with Social  Media.

This blog is an unquote  of the 5:25 min gig about using effective Social Search and creating  Geo-targeted Content interviewing SAP Mentor Sina Moatamed  (@SinaMoatamed)

0:19 – Natascha introducing  the topic of #Social Search and its importance of Geo-targeted  content.

0:40 -  Sina Moatamed  defining the strategy of putting up the site and enabling it for #social  search.

1:12 -  How search helps you  prioritize your target audience from the Business Social  Network.

1:45 -  Stop Bill boarding  and selling yourself as a company, engage and crowd source more on your nature  of business with a similar target audience.

2:28 – Don’t Amplify but  engage.

3:08 – ensure that your  social presence and content is geo-targeted, small businesses can also mine  effectively. Is it expensive?

3:47 – narrow down on an  audience that connects with your larger goal.

5:03 – work with a Social  Media provider (internal / external) to build strategies for a geo-targeted  Social Media Strategy for your enterprise.

Here’s the video content  of the time-stamps that you are waiting eagerly to hear about 

Further  reading…

Natascha also interviewed  Jon Reed of jonerp.com on his expert Networking session on #Social media, she  blogged about it too, read that blog and watch Jon engage the audience

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