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Over the past 18 months we as a team have been investigating the concerns of the community around quality postings, especially in the forums. Recently we have taken several measures to improve the quality and control the flow of undesired messages and content.

We've implemented message interceptors in our forums to catch key words and phrases and reject them from being posted, we've launched an entire new How Grateful We Are For All Our ‘M’s and reached out to even more community members about moderation. We've enhanced and activated an Signal versus Noise which is checked daily for submissions. We've upgraded the Forum Upgrade to allow us more features and ability to handle the ever increasing flow of traffic.

We've done a series to help people understand how these negative activities can be harmful to themselves as individuals, How to Lower Your Status in The SAP Community and How to Further Damage Your SAP Community Reputation. In the past we've talked about the quality How to Further Damage Your SAP Community Reputation and now this is Part II.

We are not convinced simply doing away with parts of the system are a good idea as they have Food for Points however the community has O SDN, where art thou?, very loud and very clear and we have decided that living with guidelines was nice in the past it is no longer acceptable now.

As of today we are informing you the community as well as all moderators that it's time for "strict moderation", the Rules of Engagement are now just that - they are RULES! From now on, threads with "urgent", "plz" and generally those which indicate the user has not attempted to find a solution on their own, nor have they bothered to read the rules or give clear subject lines of meaning - if reported by you the community as abuse - they will be removed.

Asking for copyright material will result in an instant BAN of your user from posting to the forums and wiki and your blogging rights will be revoked as well. You will still be able to surf, read and learn but you will not be allowed to participate.

Users who are uncivil, rude, destructive and otherwise in violation of the Rules of Engagement or the Terms of Service and Use will also result in a ban, the ban however will be a 30 day ban after the second offense once a public warning has been given. (No the ban list will not be made public for those of you who wanted a "Wall of Shame")

We welcome your continued feedback to our SCN Support forum as well as your continued understanding and support as we move forward.