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1) Purpose

This document is intended to provide detailed steps that need to be performed, to integrate SAP S/4 with SAP Concur.
Completion of integration will: -

a) Establish a channel to replicate the cost objects (Cost Centers, WBS elements, Network etc.) from S/4 to Concur system and

b) Establish channel to post finance documents (financial postings) against the Employee expense reports created in Concur to S/4 system (not in scope of this document).

2) Assumptions and Pre-requisite
You had a detailed (multiple rounds of) discussion with your business counter part on the cost object that need to be migrated to Concur, which will be used to record expense during posting of employee expenses from Concur.

Basis team has established a connection between S/4 and Concur.

3) Integration Setup: -
Execute transaction “CTE_SETUP”.

a) Check Connection with Concur is established.

Select option “Check Connection” by clicking on push button. The log should display successful messages as below.

Concur Connectivity


b) Select the cost object to be migrated to concur from the sub screen display after clicking option “Check Connection” by clicking on push button. The log should display successful messages as below.

The cost object to be migrated can be selected by clicking the check box against the cost object from menu option “Integration Activities”.


Once the cost object are selected they appear as and push button on the screen.

c) Set Up Export for Cost objects (Cost Center).
Select “Set Up Export” option by clicking on the Cost Center push button. Start screen of the wizard is displayed as below:'


Move to the next step “Cost Object Hierarchy” by clicking Continue push button at bottom of the screen.
Enter value of field Concur List and hit “Continue” push button.


In the phased rollout step, select the “Phase rollout” radio button.


In the Automatic Export step, select the “Manual Export” radio button.



In the Complete step, select the “Complete “push button , to complete the setup.

This completes the Cost center Migration setup to Concur.
Follow similar steps for other cost objects like, Internal Order, WBS elements, Network, Project etc.

d) Migrate Cost Centers to Concur.

• To migrate the cost center, Select the “Phased rollout” option, by clicking the cost center push button on top.

• Enter the Controlling Area and the company code for which cost center are to be migrated and save it.

• The start push button appears at the end of the records.

• Press the Start push button to initiate the migration.

• This created a batch job in the background, Once the job is successful, the description of start on push button is changed to “Revoke”.





You can see the migrated cost objects, follow the path as below –






The phased rollout is and one-time activity, the delta cost centers (add, change or delete), can be migrated by setting a daily batch job (SAP program -CTE_FIN_MD_COST_CENTER_REPL).

Note – Different cost objects have different batch job for delta transfer.

e) SAP also provides an option to filter the cost centers to Concur. This can be done by implementing the BADI (Cost Center  BADI implementation)


References - 2922806 - FAQ General Information about the Concur Integration
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