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Hi everyone,

First off, just like all the others I'm extremely excited to have been selected as a community speaker for SAP TechEd Barcelona. A big thank you to the sapteched team, and to peter.langner2, katarina.fischer and others who've made this possible.

Secondly: I'm proud to announce my session (Session ID ANP126) "Machine Learning, Hype or Hit?" (spoiler alert: both of course :smile: ). This session will be a reflection of my own journey into this exciting field.

So what to expect from this 1 hour lecture?

Well, I'll try to complement the official SAP sessions about machine learning by ignoring the relevant SAP tools and products (these will already be covered in detail in other sessions), and by trying to explain some of the underlying concepts, and how you can get started yourself.

Is this session for you?

  • If you’re curious to see what’s behind one of the most hyped terms of the moment, this session is for you.
  • If you want to make a start into Data Science and ML, this session is for you, because that’s exactly what I’m doing and I’d love to give some pointers about where to start, and also to find people within the SAP community with the same interests.
  • If you are a developer and wonder if you can use ML yourself, then this session is for you: that’s how I got interested in this stuff myself and the intention is to include some (running) code into the demos.
  • If you want to start a discussion about whether we need ML experts, or whether SAP is right targeting domain experts/analysts with their Predictive Analytics product: join my session, and we might flesh it out together.

Also: if you're interested in Machine Learning make sure you attend this SAP Community Call on July 11th: Machine Learning with SAP Innovation Center Network.

As Niels Bohr famously said:

Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.

This quote from should serve as a warning, but hey, let's try it anyway!

I'm intending to post more about Machine Learning over time (leading up to SAP TechEd), but for now I'll leave you with a classic XKCD comic:


And with that: see you in Barcelona!