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************************** Update - 10th February 2016 ********************************

Invitation: #SAPSysArchs - SAP Fiori & SAP Portal Architecture Call - Wednesday 17th February 17:00 ...


Here is the recording from the call #SAPSysArchs_2016_01_SAP_Gateway

As previously introduced here Introducing: Monthly Call To Discuss SAP Basis/Infrastructure Architecture Challenges .

The first #SAPSysArchs call will be held on Wednesday 20th January @ 21:00 CET to discuss the subject,

SAP Gateway Architecture.

#1 - the call should be fun and we should all learn something...

To be clear, the call is not a lecture on SAP Gateway, there is already mountains of material available

in the SCN Library and on SAP Market Place explaining all of the details of the SAP Gateway.

The point of the call is to allow real SAP Customers to discuss together and philosophise on and debate the

real challenges being faced at their real companies, and we will learn from discussing each other's challenges

and understanding the possible solutions. This means, this is not marketing, this is a technical discussion amongst

peers on the approaches for architecting SAP Gateway.

The call will be recorded and available later on in this blog. Nevertheless we need live participants to bring their pain

points of the topics from their experience

For the call to work, and to have value, together we need to bring the questions and challenges we are facing

with our SAP Gateway implementations or planned implementations. Anything which cannot be answered in the

call will be taken offline and continued here on SCN in the forums.

Please prepare your Gateway questions/challenges for discussion.

The call will work on the following format, there will be an introduction to the subject and then the floor is open to

discuss questions from the people who are present, or questions which people have left in the comments to this


To try to explain and make the principle/idea/motivation clear, on the SCN and SAP Market Place and related

websites there are mountains of technical documentation, ppt's and pdf's. This call is not about walking

through a pdf or ppt for one hour, the whole motivation for the call is to have a place once a month where

people (SAP  Customers, SAP Partners) can openly discuss the real issues that they facing in their real


Less a lecture and more a technical discussion to solve challenges each other are facing. If you are thinking or

planning to work with SAP Gateway, and know of some challenge(s) which you face, then feel welcome to either

post those challenge(s) in the comments section to this blog, or bring up directly in the call.

How will the call work ?

The call will be delivered using SAP's SAP Connect technology

( with thanks to Blog It Forward - Jason Cao & Blog it Forward - Jeanne Carboni )

which enables a conference call with a shared screen and chat window to function.

The call details are:

Subject for discussion: SAP Gateway and Architecture

Date: Wednesday 20th January 2016 Time: 21:00 CET Central European Time

Meeting Url:

Conference Code: Participant Passcode: 329 122 3879

WorldWide Dial In Numbers are here SAP Connect International Dial In Numbers

This link will add the event directly to your calendar [thank you gregor.wolf4]

The most important thing is this, for this approach to work, we need people to submit their challenges which

they are facing on the subject of SAP Gateway, so that these challenges can be discussed. We can be sure,

it is highly possible that if one SAP Customer is facing a certain challenge with SAP Gateway System

Architecture, then for sure, other Customers will be facing the same or similar challenges.

And that is the whole point of this exercise and where we will all get value from joining in.

By hearing and discussing other people's SAP Gateway system Architecture challenges we get to learn and

be prepared for facing the same or similar. Therefore, please either submit items for inclusion in the discussion

in the comments to the blog, or alternatively bring them up in the Chat Window in the Call so that they can be

addressed. The format will always be, whatever cannot be answered in the call will be carried over and continued o

ffline in the SCN Discussion Forums.

Reminder - post SAP Gateway topics for discussion below, or bring them directly to the call

At the end of the call we will discuss subjects for the subsequent calls.

Looking forward to see what comes and have some fun, remember, everyone is welcome.

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