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Many of you are already familiar with the landscape deployment recommendations SAP has been published for various products since quite a while. These recommendations rate different options how to deploy products in a system landscape based on a simple classification.

In the past we published the recommendations as a static PDF document in SCN. You could download the document and read it.

Good enough? - We don’t think so.

Hence I am excited to announce that by end of last week we started to publish the Landscape Deployment Recommendations for SAP products now through a tool (an evolution of the already successfully established SAP UX Explorer).

The new available content in this tool represents the first major step on the roadmap to transform SAP UX Explorer into an SAP Enterprise Architecture (EA) Explorer, covering now useful information about User Experience, Landscape Architecture, and Enterprise Architecture. And the content will continuously grow during the upcoming months.

The following SAP products participate in the first wave by providing landscape deployment recommendations based on our established Enterprise Architecture-driven methodology and reviewed by the SAP System Landscape Governance Board:

You still will find the known PDF documents, just have a look at the so called facet documents in each topic. However, the tool now offers much more opportunities to explore the content.

Let me shortly describe some of the cool features:

  1. Benefit from the stable and deep links in the Explorer

    • You can deep link to almost every content in the Explorer. In all cases, just go to the place you like and copy & paste the URL.
    • You can link into a topic, into a dedicated facet of further facts, or directly access an attachment. All links remain stable and directly accessible.
    • As a result, you can point your colleagues or other people in your company interested in the content right at the place you want them to be.
  2. Benefit from the sharing function
    • You can use the sharing icon at the header of a topic page (the topic toolbar) to immediately share this topic via Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Mail.
    • As a result, you can save time and easily invite your peers with a few clicks to read the content you found helpful already.
  3. Benefit from the print function
    • You can create a single HTML page covering the complete set of information for a specific topic with a single click of the print icon in the topic toolbar. This generated page covers the summary text, all expanded facets, and all relations to other topics including their hyperlinks.
    • And of course, the generated page has a stable URL that can be shared with others.
    • As a result, you can also quickly generate your own PDF documents (with a client-based PDF driver in place) and compose a document for your peers or yourself that contains all the relevant information you need.
  4. Benefit from the favorite function
    • You can mark all topics you are interested in with the favorites icon in the topic toolbar. They will be listed in MY FAVORITES in the header bar of the Explorer, and you can easily access them later again.
    • You can also select some of your favorites (e.g. different deployment options of a specific product) and compare up to three of them. And yes, you are right, the generated comparison view has a stable URL that can be shared with others.
    • As a result, you have a convenient way better to understand the differences between options and to point people to a specific comparison that you liked.
  5. Benefit from the relations
    • For each topic we maintain various relations to other topics in the section relations. You can immediately see, how different information belongs together.
    • As an example you can directly access all deployment options for a product (each described as a single topic) grouped by their rating in section relations of the topic “landscape deployment recommendations for this product”.

I hope you will enjoy to browsing through the new content and discovering the features of the Explorer.
Let us know, what you think about it and what other features or content you are interested in. And don’t forget to subscribe our newsletter (which will cover as well information about the new content scope and the transformation of SAP UX Explorer to the SAP Enterprise Architecture Explorer).

To conclude I want to point again to the third part of my blog about business-driven IT architectures. You will notice that we started now to deliver the promised content.

I wish you a great holiday season and stay tuned for a lot of more Explorer content coming in 2016.

Best Regards
