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if a customer has multiple service contracts (with or without covered products), and there are default SLAs for generic ticket attributes, in what sequence will the SLO get applied?


SLO Determination Sequence in general :


  1. SLO in Contracts from ticket attributes
  2. SLO from ticket attribute



Example :SLO usage in Contract/ ticket



I Contract ´A´ (with Contract SLO ´B´on Header), which is determined/ selected if account ´C´ [with/without covered products] was entered in ticket -`


II Ticket `E´, ´G´, ´H´, ´I´ and  ´L´ are created which allow

    usage of SLO ´B´ derived from a contract ´A´ ... and/or ...

    usage of a `Standard´ SLO ´F´ derived from ticket attribute or independent from ticket attribute the SLO ´K´



1) If both SLO´s  ´B´ and ´F´ can be applied related to the entered values in the ticket ´E´:
-> then system will automatically determine/ calculate with contract SLO ´B´ 


2) If only the Standard SLO can be applied related to the entered values in the ticket ´G´:

    -> then system will automatically determine/ calculate with standard SLO ´F´


3) If only the Contract SLO can be applied related to the entered values in the ticket ´H´:
-> then system will automatically determine/ calculate with contract SLO ´B´


4) If none SLO can be applied related to the entered values in the ticket ´I´:
-> then system will automatically determine no SLO


5) If the user overwrites the automatically determined SLOs ´B´ or ´F´ or ´no SLO ´, manually in the ticket ´L´ a different SLO ´K´

    -> then system will use this SLO ´K´ and won´t process an automatic [re-]determination  (--> this is only via backend possible!)

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