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I am pleased to share that SIT Tokyo 2021 Day 3 has been ended successfully!!!!

2/17 にSAP Inside Track Tokyo 2021 の Day 3 が終了しました!


I gonna show you what a funny things was going in the Japanese SAP Technology community in this blog! All the contents are Japanese but it would worth to watch the last session video!

こちらのブログでは、日本のSA Technology コミュニティでこんなおかしなことをやっているんだということをご紹介させて頂きます。日本語ですが、最後のセッション動画は必見です!

You can find some tweet on twitter with hash tag #SITTokyo #ChillSAP .

ツイッターのハッシュタグ #SITTokyo や #ChillSAP でもセッションの様子が伺えます。

I think this is very well organized community led online and offline event.


We have been gathered online in this Colona situation, and prepared some.





1/13 INTスピーカーキックオフ

1/25 運営会議

1/26 オンライン飲み会

2/17 セッション当日


From the backyard of the event, let me also share the prep. schedule:-)

Preparation schedule:

Jan 13 INT speaker kick off

Jan 25 organizer meeting

Jan 26 online drinking party with mentimeter reharsal

Feb 17 Day3 INT track.


既に開催された Day 1, 2 を見逃している場合は、Youtube に掲載されていますので何度でも繰り返し見て楽しんでください。

If you missed the previous Day 1 and 2, you can find recording on Youtube!

Day 1 DX

Day 2 IIS

Day 3 INT



Event Schedule

19:00 Event opened

19:30 Opening

19:45 Session 1 An update of iRPA

20:05 Session 2 Let's build chatbot with SAP Conversational AI

20:30 Session 3 I tried out SAP IoT

20:50 Session 4 No more paper invoices in this Colona situation!

Document Information Extraction SAP AI Business Services

21:10 Session 5 An integration of Automated Wanko soba refilling machine and SAP S/4HANA

21:20 Closing & Lottery with help of Sponsors!

Note: Wanko soba is soba noodles in broth served continuously, so that the guest or customer never has an empty bowl. (ref. Weblio Japanese-English dictionary)

Opening Introduction



The purpose of the event is "Let's challenge it! Start doing from now on!"

and this makes sense from the "Learning Pyramid" theory. According to the theory, 5% can only recall what you learn only taking lecture to increase up to 75% to practice doing.

In the introduction, call for participation to the facebook community ChillSAP, please also join.

今回のSIT Tokyoのテーマは、「チャレンジしよう! 行動をおこすキッカケに」  ということもありますが、学習ピラミッド理論によると講習を受講するだけで


コミュニティ活動への参加も呼びかけられましたので、ぜひ Facebook コミュニティ ChillSAP にも参加してもらえたらと思います


Session 1 Intelligent Robotic Process Automation by Mino Kato

セッション 1 SAP intelligent Robotic Process Automation(iRPA) アップデート (講師 加藤美野さん)


An advantage of iRPA, an update of iRPA2.0, and introduction of three hands on tutorials at SAP TechEd 2020.

Main points:

  • The advantage of the SAP iRPA is, user can consume the predefined bots of iRPA which is automate the business process in S/4HANA. (shared interested Bots in Finance area released in late December 2020.)

  • Update of iRPA 2.0 is Cloud based development tool is delivered. And Operation Recording feature is newly introduced. Not yet available in Trial account.

  • She has been just started to build bot with iRPA, it is easy so far. But not sure how to build more complexed bot. And encouraged participants to join Open SAP course together to obtain the badge.



iRPAの良さ、iRPA2.0の機能紹介とSAP TechEd 2020 での Hands On Tutorial の紹介。



・iRPA 2.0機能の更新として、クラウドベースでの開発ツールが提供されました。オペレーションのレコード機能が提供されました。まだトライアルアカウントでは使えません。

・質問に対してまだ始めたばかりだけれども、今のところツールは簡単です。とはいえもっと複雑なことをしたらどうかはまだわからないとコメント。参加者に対して、OpenSAP コースが始まったばかりなので参加してバッヂを手に入れましょうと勧めた。

Session 2 SAPのチャットボット "SAP Conversational AI" を使ってみよう! (講師 斎藤章裕さん)

"Let's build chatbot with SAP Conversational AI!" by Akihiro Saito

Abstract 概要

SAP Conversation AI の活用について、以下の例のように説明しました。(ITSMですね。)他の活用例についてはSlideShareで公開しているということなのでそちらもチェックしてみてください。

He explained about the how to use SAP Conversation AI in business (it's ITSM scenario), the example of use case is below and also shared in SlideShare.


 セッションのメインパートは、齋藤さんが参加されたTechEd 2020 のSAP CAIのTutorial の紹介でした。当方はこちらのハンズオンのサポート更新を2019にさせて頂いたので、Tutorial の内容が懐かしいです。

The main part of the presentation is introduction of SAP CAI Tutorial, he joined in TechEd 2020. I were a support speaker of the session at TechEd 2019, and remember that the Tutorial.

斎藤さんの資料は、SAP CAI についてとても分かりやすくまとめられているので、まだSAP CAIに触ったことがない方はぜひ資料をチェックしてみてください。

The presentation is well documented understandable by beginners. Japanese engineer who has never touch with SAP Conversation AI, please, also check his presentation.

Tutorial が豊富なのでぜひ触ってみるようにと斎藤さんは呼びかけ、最後に、無償のトライアルバージョンがあること、トライアルバージョンとエンタープライズ版の違いについても紹介した。

Saito explained that there are rich material in Tutorial for SAP CAI and do everyone try that. And at the end, he explained that the free trial is available for SAP CAI and difference between Enterprise version.


It was very informative session, thank you!


Session 3 SAPでIoTやってみた (講師 大塚將司)

"I tried out SAP IoT" by Masashi Otsuka (@sapsumikko on Twitter)

Abstract 概要

ご存知「すみっこさん」のTechEd のセッションサマリと独自にIoTを使ってお子さんの位置情報をトラッキングしてみたお話。

TechEd ハンズオンでは、IoTとEdge Serviceについて。



The speaker is famous blogger as "sumikko in SAP world".

He presented the Teched sessions summary of IoT area and also tried to build a solution to track his daughter by GPS.

The TechEd HandsOn is about IoT and Edge Services.

The example is to process shipping using IoT sensor device and to detect and inform sales representative for the abnormal vibration and temperature by sensor device.

I had ever heard about that similar situation is happened to ship medicines using cold storage container. But once reached to the port and stopped without power supply and the medicines are not kept in the designated environment to keep the quality.

IoTのハンズオンはTechEd当時のIDがないと実行できないけれど、Edge Servicesのハンズオンはトライアルアカウントで最後までに実行できるのでぜひやってみてほしいとすすめた。

He recommended to try the IoT Edge Services HandsOn, which is still available to execute only with trial account.


I personally took an external IoT course and would try one.

Session 4 コロナ対策:紙の証憑はもういらない! Document Information Extraction SAP AI Business Services (SAP関口←筆者)

"No more paper invoices in this Colona situation! - Document Information Extraction SAP AI Business Services" by me ( Yasuko Sekiguchi)

Abstract 概要

このセッションでは、SAP AI Business Services と呼ぶ、Machine Learning のサービスをいくつかの業務的な用途で汎用的に使用できるようにパッケージ化したものをご紹介しました。

In this session, I have shared the overview of SAP AI Business Services, which is packaged Machine Learning services, to be generally consumed for many business purpose.

Document Information Extraction (以下DIE)以外にもいくつかありますが、今回紹介したDIEは自身が過去に数回関与したCo-Innovation プロジェクトで開発されたという経緯もありました。

There are some AI business Services other than Document Information Extraction (hereby DIE), I choose this is because I was involved in the co-innovation project years ago.

DIE は、事前定義モデル。Invoice Document を読み込むことを目的として開発されています。文書書式は縦型のみ、横書きにはまだ対応していません。

DIE is a pretrained ML services developed to OCR-extract invoice document mainly. The supported format is portrait, landscape is not supported currently.

他のドキュメントタイプをサポートするためには、10,000枚の学習が必要。(Co-Innovation アプローチ)

To cover the other document types such as Sales Orders, Purchase Orders,  it is needed Co-Innovation Approach to train the model with 10K documents per new document type.


There were an obstacle to train the new document types with annotate the extraction fields by translating into position in a certain manner. This was a huge manual efforts. The annotation is covered by user friendly tool. This is progress from the past PoC.

Trial 環境でDIEの有効化を行い、UI上で自身の持っていたAmazon の購入請求書を読込ました。


I have set up the DIE in BTP trial and extract an Invoice which I purchased via Amazon.

It was extracted in the good quality. And the UI tool to edit the extracted data and mapping additional fields there was pretty easy.



I was not able to introduce due to time limitation, but I have also tried beta feature to create new template. Which is only available via customer collaboration project.


Create new template with Shinkansen to Osaka, and extract the receipt of Shinkansen from Osaka using the created template. It was done!


There might be more precise validation would be needed in business use, but please feel free to try and propose it to use at your customer project!

Session 5 わんこそば自動お代わり機とSAP S/4HANAとの連携 (佐々木紀人)

"An integration of Automated Wanko soba refilling machine and SAP S/4HANA" by Norihito Sasaki

Abstract 概要

お待ちかねの わんこそばがきましたよ!

It is time to eat Wanko Soba now!


I don't explain much because you should better to watch the video yourself.

要するに IoTとCloud SDKを使ったソリューションのご紹介です。

It is about a solution using IoT and Cloud SDK.


There was a happening due to network disconnected but it was very much fun!



The speaker is very creative! I know it is very difficult to produce such a great entertainment for everyone! I hope to see him for the next time as well.

最後になりましたが、このような素敵な会を企画・運営・協力してくださった ChilSAP コミュニティメンバーの方々に感謝の意を述べさせて頂きます。



At last, I would express my great thanks to all our sponsors, organizers in ChilSAP community, and moderators.

It was delightful joyful moment to be with you.

I was so excited to join as speaker and track owner of this event.

Best regards,

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