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We often hear that code reviews are frustrating and waste of time. Really?? Or is the lack of adoption of a suitable, well-defined process that is the root cause of it appearing futile. Think again!!

There are many articles highlighting the importance of doing code reviews, listing out to-do and not-to-do instructions, as well as explaining different code review alternatives (automated, peer review etc.), hence I am not detailing those here.

Through this blog, I want to stimulate the thought and highlight the importance on "how" the "right" code review process tailored per your "organization structure and need" play a significant role in embracing the code review mind-set within the project team and stakeholders.

By "right" code review process, I mean it is accepted and easily integrated within your software development/release life cycle (SDLC). It shouldn't look disparate, additional step or hindrance.

To evolve to "right" and robust code review process, your first step is to ensure that the code reviews are encouraged and it happens. This is truly possible only if there is awareness on its importance and have buy-in from key stakeholders. It is not only the developers that drive it but sincere acceptance and encouragement from Project Managers, Business leads, Analysts and End-users that primarily contribute to its success.

I am part of SAP Development team and feel proud to say that in my current organization this process is thoughtfully customized, neatly defined and well-integrated with other phases of SDLC.

We have clearly written code review check-list, coding standards document that is easily accessible to stakeholders. These documents contain answers to FAQs, security related coding norms, tips/pointers to improve performance and also inputs to write code for easy maintainability and support globalization/reuse.

To effectively implement the code review process, we have a dedicated code review team which is an independent, unanimously recognized group that governs the process and the coding standards. It functions across modules and projects and owns accountability of code changes moving to production environment.

The code review process is also tightly integrated with the subsequent Change Control process (process that focuses on moving code changes to production) in SDLC. The change control mechanism checks for code review status and warns when a code that is not reviewed is proposed to move to Production. In such case, it alerts and triggers action points for stakeholders to take appropriate action.

I am highlighting key points that have worked well for us


To develop this mind-set, project team is kept informed and educated via different forums(seminars, blogs, trainings and question hours) to have their buy-in and feedback. This has helped in evolving to "Right" process.

The Team:

Forming of "dedicated", "independent", "unbiased" group is key to its unanimous acceptance. The role and responsibility of the team is clearly defined and accepted. The team has a good mix of experienced professionals having wide-ranging technical understanding.


The content is simple, precise and easy to understand without missing out on the exceptions/specifics. It is easily available to all. Any updates to it and its communication are well governed.

Deep integration:

The process is thoughtfully tailored per our need and is well-integrated with other phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Though an independent process, it is an integral part of SDLC.

With the above thoughts on the code review process. I open up for further discussion and invite you to share your experiences on it within your organization.