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I still don't understand why TRM using only customer subledger for posings.

And even it written in "SAP Treasury and Risk Management" book by SAP-press

It is not very usefull for the processes in treasury to separate the two subledger

some Customers who implement TRM demand posting to Vendors subledger when they need!

Ok, it's not a problem.

All you need:

  1. Connect Vendor and customer master datas to Business partner (Business Partner creation from Vendor master data for Transaction Manager)
  2. Posting Specification for Customer (usually it is: Dt Gl account, Cr Customer; + Payment flag set)
  3. ABAP skills and badi TPM_ACCIF_TRAC

Within badi TPM_ACCIF_TRAC there is method ACCIT_EXIT "Changes the Entire Structure", and within the method there are structures CH_ACCIT_D (debit position) and CH_ACCIT_C (credit position).

According to posting specification Gl account is situated in CH_ACCIT_D, customer - CH_ACCIT_C.

We need to make posting: Dt Gl account, Cr Vendor.

For that inside the method we do the changes to the following fields in structures:

     CH_ACCIT_C-BLART = KZ /*you can use other doc type*/

                         BSCHL = 31

                         KOART = K

                           LIFNR = Vendor /*you can read vendor id from Business partner*/

                         KUNNR = ' ' /*make empty*/

             NOMINAL_AMT = add minus sign to amount

                         HKONT = reconciliaton account of the vendor /*you can read reconc. account id number from vendor master data*/


DATA: kont TYPE akont, " Reconciliation account.
         vend TYPE lifnr, " Vendor.
         kontrh TYPE tb_kunnr_new. "BP from transaction.
   " To read some data which is not available in
   " im_data structure.
   FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_vtbfha> TYPE vtbfha.
   ASSIGN ('(RFTBBB00)VTBFHA') TO <fs_vtbfha>.
   " Check if we need to do postings to vendor
   " You can use CHARACTERISTICS field on Administ. tab.
   " or checkbox on custom tab, or ...
   IF <fs_vtbfha>-merkm = 'VENDOR'.
     " Here we search GUID from BUT000, then Vendor from CVI_VEND_LINK with GUID.
     kontrh = <fs_vtbfha>-kontrh.
     SELECT SINGLE p~vendor
       INTO vend
       FROM but000 AS c
             INNER JOIN cvi_vend_link AS p ON c~partner_guid = p~partner_guid
               WHERE c~partner = kontrh.
     " Here we look for reconciliation account.
     SELECT SINGLE akont
       FROM lfb1
       INTO kont
       WHERE lifnr = vend.
     " Fields to change
     " CH_ACCIT_C structure
     ch_accit_c-nominal_amt = ( -1 ) * ch_accit_c-nominal_amt. " Add minus sign to nominal amount.
     ch_accit_c-blart = 'KZ'. "you can use other doc type*/
     ch_accit_c-bschl = '31'.
     ch_accit_c-koart = 'K'.
     ch_accit_c-lifnr = vend. " Vendor /*you can read vendor id from Business partner*/
     ch_accit_c-kunnr = ' '. "/*make empty*/
     ch_accit_c-hkont = kont ."reconciliaton account of the vendor /*you can read reconc. account id number from vendor master data*/
     " CH_ACCIT_D structure
     ch_accit_d-blart = 'KZ'.


We have the following conditions (only screenshot)

We need to have parameter to triger posting to vendor subledger.

I usually use Characteristics field. You can add search help to enter VENDOR parameter. You can even rename the field.

Or you can use checkbox on custome tab.

Everything is up to you.

In order to use F110 transaction - automatic payment program - and make payment to vendor, you have to enter proper payment details

For incoming payment you have to enter only House bank and Account ID.

For outgoing payemnt parameter are different

The whole posting scheme is:

Incoming payment

TransactionPostings (credit)CommentsPostings (debit)Comments
TBB1Cr 66Account symbol 1Dt 51.9Сlearing account
Bank statementCr 51.9Сlearing accountDt 51Money

Nominal interest

TransactionPostings (credit)CommentsPostings (debit)Comments
TBB1Cr VendorUsually alternative reconc. accountDt 91Expenses
F110Cr 51.9Сlearing accountDt Vendor
Bank statementCr 51MoneyDt 51.9Сlearing account

Final repayment

TransactionPostings (credit)CommentsPostings (debit)Comments
TBB1Ct VendorStandard reconc. accountDt 66Account symbol 1
F110Ct 51.9Сlearing accountDt Vendor
Bank statementCt 51MoneyDt 51.9Сlearing account


We need to adjust postings scheme to the postings above.

Final repayment:

As we use Vendor subledger don't forget to set check mark to payment

Pay attention to Debit and Credit entries and adjust posting keys respectively

Nominal interest

Postings scheme for incoming payment is quite easy. You can do it yourself.


Hint: don't pay attention to Vendor reconciliation account in posting log - everything will be allright with posting.

I don't know why it appers, i will try to check it and correct the article.

As you can see payment to vendor is done!

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