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Millennials will take over 75% of the global workforce in just a few years and they demand a very different experience from technology. The conference brought together all the stakeholders to collaborate on building these early talents and driving innovation through student participation in contests and crowdsourcing projects.

Over 150 professors, students, partners and customers of SAP, representatives from the media and the Talent Division of MDeC, a Malaysian government agency focusing on knowledge workers development joined the one-day event.  We reiterated our UA mission on how we aimed to shape the future of Higher Education by empowering the university community through our LEARN, APPLY, SHARE and RECRUIT pillars. We also used to opportunity to introduce our Student Entrepreneurship program.

The participants gained the latest insights into the emerging trends and technological transformation in “The Future is Now!” keynote. They also learnt about new learning opportunities like SAP Student Academy and Learning Hub offerings that would enhance their marketability.  A lively panel discussion on “SAP Ecosystem and Career Opportunities” was the highlight of the conference where five senior executives from SAP ecosystem, talent think-tank and government institution shared their views and renewed their commitment to support the mission. Eight partners and customer set up talent-matching kiosks to meet our faculty members and students for internship and graduate employment opportunities.

Two millennials Mike Lim and Douglas Chang, who join SAP Malaysia in June as the youngest employees, shared their experience and aspirations with the audience. They were an instant hit and the pride of the universities where they graduated from.  Our HR Early Talent Acquisition team was on hand to answer queries from eagle students and lecturers on the next employee opportunity.

In conjunction, a HANA CodeJam took place for 38 participants comprising students, lecturers and professionals. This CodeJam was designed to engage developers and students on SAP technologies and how they could be used for innovation and to create new business models. For students in particular,  it is an eye-opening event where they enhance their IT skills on Big Data.

The grand finale was the screening of Human Face of Big Data, the award-winning documentary that  focused on humanity’s new ability to collect, analyze, triangulate and visualize vast amounts of data in real time. Professors and students alike were clearly inspired by the many stories told and eagerly awaiting the curriculum that is now being created.

Special thanks to Bernard Chiang, Mei San and Louise Ng, Ethan Loh and his partner managers from the Malaysian team in supporting the event; to Vivek Puthucode, Head of Public Services & Healthcare APJ who inspired and opened our minds to the limitless possibilities technology brings and S Suresh for the impactful messages; to Rohit Bhalla, Head of Channel & Individual Business, SAP Education APJ and Elena Aw in introducing new learning assets; to Kar Leong who single-handedly took care of 38 coders and Craig Cmehil for his relentless support; and to Shan Shan and Joe Neitham from our talent acquisition team in Singapore and the UA APJ team.  A very special thanks to our young colleagues, Mike and Douglas who bravely engaged the audience and the press. 

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