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Hello All

I hope there are people like me who are still using SAP WEB IDE Neo version for SAP UI5 developments. I have seen a feature wrt SAP Visual Editor and I am here to blog on it.
I have created an application using SAP List Report floorplan and sample OData service.
Now, I opened the application using SAP UI5 visual editor.

With no annotations, it looked this way.

Once I open the Edit mode from Preview, It is not taking me to Edit screen with this message.

I have added a column to table in annotation and opened the Edit again.

This time Edit mode worked after adding the column to List Report table. It seems it's the behavior of the Editor.

We can save our time if we know this action already as I have spent some time in knowing this approach. I have shared this blog in the community so that someone who is facing this problem can save a bit of their time.

Thank you!!
BR// Dhanasupriya Sidagam

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